alright... so here's a quick demonstraition of what I'm trying to do:
def calcInfluence(Coords): #apply to verts from global location
Ix,Iy,Iz = 0.0,0.0,0.0
for (Px,Py,Pz),(Lx,Ly,Lz),(Rx,Ry,Rz),(Sx,Sy,Sz),W in Coords:
#P = Point of transformation (base of the bone)
#L,R,S = Loc,Rot,Sca
#W = Weight
Ix += Lx*W
Vy += Ly*W
Iz += Lz*W
#need rotation and scale applications here
return Ix,Iy,Iz
the code above calculates influence I to add to a RAW vertex position V
these influences are stored in a list to be indexed from by the facepoints.
the "Coords" come from a list of local bone coords supplied with weights.
I want eular because it's easier to manage since you can't trace matrices,
and that it cuts alot of the needless calculations with the matrix method.
does anyone know how to apply these??