- Combat between two creature cards: Reduce the defending creature’s HP by the attack power of the attacking creature card AND reduce the attacking creature’s HP by the attack power of the defending creature card. If either the attacker or the defender or both of them is/are reduced to 0 HP or lower these creatures are destroyed.
Special abilities:
a. If the attacking creature has “Trample” ability, the excess amount of attack power is dealt to the opposing player (which can cause the opposing player dying). Here the excess amount of attack power is calculated as:
Excess attack power = Attacker’s attack power – defender’s HP
b. If the attacking creature has “First Strike” ability,
i. If the defending creature also has “First Strike” ability, normal attack procedure.
ii. If the defending creature does NOT have “First Strike” ability; then first the Attacker’s attack power is applied to the defender’s HP. If the defender is destroyed then the combat stops here (i.e., the defender CANNOT deal its damage to the attacker)
c. If the attacking creature does NOT have “First Strike” ability,
i. If the defending creature has “First Strike” ability, then first the Defender’s attack power is
applied to the attacker’s HP. If the attacker is destroyed then the combat stops here (i.e., the
attacker CANNOT deal its damage to the defender)
ii. If the defending creature also does NOT have “First Strike” ability; normal attack procedure. - Combat between one creature card and the opposing player: Reduce the HP of the opposing player by the attack power of the attacking creature card. If the opposing player’s HP is reduced to 0 or lower, that player loses the game.
lilindiekid 0 Newbie Poster
rproffitt 2,693 https://5calls.org Moderator
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