I'm in charge of building a somewhat complicated app for the Android. I know enough Java to do this, but I have been running into a couple of snags as far as the mobile bit goes.
The app opens on a standard login page, using the client's ID number/SSN and PIN number.
The app then makes an external call to our company's base server to verify the login. If the login is verified, an XML file is generated server-side and sent to the phone. The data in this small XML file (15-100KB) will be used by the app in different activities. The XML is read and persistently-stored. The app shifts to the main menu screen. The XML file also contains which tabs this main menu screen will make available to the user, which is why the file is generated and transmitted immediately after login success.
Now, all that works up to the point I actually have to make the switch to the next page! The error handling displays the correct messages based on the return string from the client-side script, but the whole thing dies as soon as I get to the Intent bit.
It may well be I do not thoroughly understand how Intent and Context is supposed to work. I have not seen a tutorial on the Web that details this (well, one that works, anyways).
I'm going to continue and hope I stumble across something so I can repost here and say, "OK, this works. Why does it work like that?"
Thanks for having me here!