I've just nearly finished a mobile app for my company, and there are quite a number of Activities in it.
I've also been advised (here, in fact!) to check out the possibility of using Fragments for the various screens.

Fragments in this case sounds like the way it should have been developed, but I'm still learning this whole Android programming thing.

So, the main Activity fires off after the login Activity and retrieves the user's XML data file, which will usually be generated immediately after login, unless the user is returning that same day, in which case the same XML file would be loaded and reused. (Our company regenerates data only once a day.) This XML file is about 32KB in length, so should not be a hassle to the XMLParser class.

Does it make sense that this Activity should be used to read, parse, and persistently store the XML data for the Fragments to read and display as necessary?

If so, I have read that layout inflaters and declarative XML are the best way to write the display screens for each Fragment. Is this true?

Not looking for code examples here. I'd just like to know if this is the right approach.

Thanks, dudes!

If you ever did any Java AWT/Swing development Android Activity would be something like your application frame, where Fragment is more like View that you can dynamically swap as need it. Therefore in most cases it does make sense for Activity to be data handling part.

But that's really only practical if your screen size is large enough. For most phone-type mobile devices that won't cut it. GAAH! Now what do I do?

OK. I will give that a read and see if it can be done. I already see one section of the app that will probably have to be its own Activity due to the size and complexity of data it needs to load/work with, but the rest could be Fragments if the XML can get from the main Activity to the Fragment for display.
Thanks for the tip, Peter!

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