Stuart_3 0 Newbie Poster

Hello, I am a new developer and am making my first app which will be open source after I finish it.
How do you make a notification apply to all dynamically created objects rather than the last one in a linear layout?

I have created 2 methods, one called CreateDialog(); and the other called ShowNotification();
Each have their own unique buttons with onclicklisteners.

The CreateDialog method creates an editable dialog where if you press the "ok" button, a Checkbox appears with whatever you typed into the edit text.

The ShowNotification method is suppose to alert the user that in the event a dynamically created Checkbox is unchecked; a notification will appear in the status bar.

However, my program only works with the last dynamically generated Checkbox and fails to apply to all the others. How do I resolve this? Thank you for your time.

 public void CreateDialog(){
>       AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(ObjectView.getContext());
>       alert.setTitle("Generate Checkbox?");
>       alert.setMessage("Enter name below");
>       final EditText input = new EditText(ObjectView.getContext());
>       alert.setView(input);
>       alert.setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
>           public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
>               newcheckbox = new CheckBox(ObjectView.getContext());
>               newcheckbox.setText(input.getText().toString());
>               layout.addView(newcheckbox);    
> }
> });
>       alert.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
>           public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
> // Cancelled.
> }
> });
>   }
>   public void ShowNotification(){
>       if(newcheckbox ==null){
>       }
>       else if (newcheckbox.isChecked()){
>       }
>       else {
>           NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder =
>               new NotificationCompat.Builder(getActivity())
>               .setSmallIcon(android.R.drawable.stat_notify_more)
>               .setContentTitle("Items missing")
>               .setContentText("One or more items are missing");
>       int ID_Notify = 01;
>       getActivity();
>       // Gets an instance of the NotificationManager service
>       NotificationManager managenote = (NotificationManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
>       managenote.notify(ID_Notify,;
>           }
>       }
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