The Standard Template Library (STL) vector is tempting. The burden of dimensioning an array is removed, and there are many wonderful functions to explore. The learning curve is a little steep, it will make your head swell, but in the end it's all worthwhile. Take a look at some of the code that is supposed to make programming easier.
Array or Vector? A look at the STL vector.
// Testing the Standard Template Library (STL) vector ...
// a vector forms an expandable array that can be reversed, sorted,
// partitioned, copied, searched, shuffled, unequaled and much more
// a Dev-C++ tested console application by vegaseat 10dec2004
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> // check stl_algo.h for details
#include <vector> // vector header
#include <iomanip> // setw()
#include <iterator> // ostream_iterator
#include <functional> // bind2nd
#include <string> // string output
using namespace std; // std::cout etc.
int main()
int k;
const int N = 10;
// this is how an array can be initialized
int ar[N] = { 12, 45, 234, 64, 99, 35, 63, 23, 17, 55 };
// it was too simple for the folks who created the vector,
// but you can use the array to initialize the vector, note
// (ar, ar+N) dimensions vector iV and loads it with N elements
vector<int> iV(ar, ar+N);
cout << "vector initialized with an array:\n";
// display it, similar to the array
for(k = 0; k < iV.size(); k++)
cout << setw(5) << iV[k];
cout << endl;
// a more intuitive method with a loop like the display loop
// you can use this method because vector iV is dimensioned
for(k = 0; k < iV.size(); k++)
iV[k] = ar[k];
cout << "vector loop-initialized with an array:\n";
// should give the same display
for(k = 0; k < iV.size(); k++)
cout << setw(5) << iV[k];
cout << endl;
// you can initialize a vector with an existing vector
vector<int> iV3 = iV;
cout << "one vector initialized with another vector:\n";
// display it, similar to the array
for(k = 0; k < iV3.size(); k++)
cout << setw(5) << iV3[k];
cout << endl;
// find the value 99 in the vector
vector<int>::iterator iter = find(iV.begin(), iV.end(), 99);
if (iter == iV.end())
cout << "99 not found\n";
cout << "found 99 at element " << iter - iV.begin() << " (starts at 0)\n";
// advance the iterator 4 positions
advance(iter, 4);
cout << "element " << iter - iV.begin() << " has value of " << *iter;
cout << endl;
// another way to load a vector ...
vector<char> cV(50, '-');
cout << "this vector has 50 char - :\n";
for(k = 0; k < cV.size(); k++)
cout << cV[k];
cout << endl;
// insert some additional elements
cout << "inserted 10 char c starting with element 25:\n";
cV.insert(cV.begin() + 25, 10, 'c');
for(k = 0; k < cV.size(); k++)
cout << cV[k];
cout << endl;
// take the character vector and shuffle the characters
cout << "let's shuffle the thing ...\n";
random_shuffle(cV.rbegin(), cV.rend());
for(k = 0; k < cV.size(); k++)
cout << cV[k];
cout << endl;
// how many elements can a vector hold?
// a huge number, actually until memory runs out!
// well, let's test it to a million elements ...
vector<int> kV;
cout << "loading an integer vector with numbers 0 to 999999 ...\n";
for(k = 0; k < 1000000; k++)
cout << "content of element 123456 = " << kV[123456] << endl;
cout << "content of element 999999 = " << kV[999999] << endl;
// create a vector for doubles
vector<double> dV;
double d;
// load a vector from the keyboard
cout << "Enter some floating point numbers (q to quit)\n";
// actually, any non-numeric char will exit the loop
while(cin >> d)
// push_back() appends the vector dV and also expands dV
// so you don't have to predimension the vector!!!!
// number of elements in the vector
cout << "counted " << dV.size() << " elements\n";
if (dV.empty())
cout << "... cannot process an empty vector so I made one up:\n";
cout << "elements in the order they were entered:\n";
// display the entered elements
for(k = 0; k < dV.size(); k++)
cout << dV[k] << '\n';
cout << "elements in reverse order:\n";
reverse(dV.begin(), dV.end());
// display the reversed order elements
for(k = 0; k < dV.size(); k++)
cout << dV[k] << '\n';
// find min and max values
cout << "Min val is " << *min_element(dV.begin(), dV.end()) << endl;
cout << "Max val is " << *max_element(dV.begin(), dV.end()) << endl;
cout << "elements sorted:\n";
sort(dV.begin(), dV.end());
// display the sorted elements
for(k = 0; k < dV.size(); k++)
cout << dV[k] << '\n';
cout << "could have picked min/max=begin/end from the sorted vector:\n";
cout << "Min val is " << dV.front() << endl;
cout << "Max val is " << dV.back() << endl;
// create a vector for integers
vector<int> iV1;
// load the vector with 20 random integers (0 - 200)
for(k = 0; k < 20; k++)
iV1.push_back(rand() % 200);
cout << "20 random integers:\n";
// display the random integer elements
for(k = 0; k < iV1.size(); k++)
cout << setw(8) << iV1[k];
cout << endl;
// extract values less than 100 from vector iV using partition()
// create an iterator (pointer) for an integer vector
vector<int>::iterator itpV;
cout << "partition elements with value < 100 :\n";
// move all values < 100 to the front and point to partition end
// bind2nd() converts a binary function to a unary function
itpV = partition(iV1.begin(), iV1.end(), bind2nd(less<int>(),100));
// display the partitioned vector
for(k = 0; k < iV1.size(); k++)
cout << setw(8) << iV1[k];
cout << endl;
// create a second vector to hold partioned elements
vector<int> iV2;
cout << "copy partioned elements to a new vector:\n";
// copy partitioned elements to the new vector iV2
copy(iV1.begin(), itpV, back_inserter(iV2));
// display the new vector with the values < 100
for(k = 0; k < iV2.size(); k++)
cout << setw(8) << iV2[k];
cout << endl << endl;
// load another integer vector with an array
cout << "load a vector with an array:\n";
int b[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4};
// using (array, array + NumberOfElements)
vector<int> iV4(b, b + sizeof(b)/sizeof(int));
cout << "number of elements = " << sizeof(b)/sizeof(int) << endl;
for(k = 0; k < iV4.size(); k++)
cout << setw(8) << iV4[k];
cout << endl;
// remove the duplicates with sort(), erase() and unique()
cout << "removed the duplicate elements:\n";
sort( iV4.begin(), iV4.end() );
iV4.erase( unique( iV4.begin(), iV4.end() ), iV4.end() );
for(k = 0; k < iV4.size(); k++)
cout << setw(8) << iV4[k];
cout << endl;
// Now on to a string vector
// Just an example of a dimensioned vector (space for 4 strings),
// later followed by expansion.
// Don't get confused here ...
// if you don't want to dimension the vector, use vector<string> sV
// and load with sV.push_back() from the beginning
vector<string> sV(4);
// load it ...
sV[0] = "red";
sV[1] = "green";
sV[2] = "yellow";
sV[3] = "blue";
// you will exceed 4 strings, push_back() takes care of this!
cout << "display vector elements via ostream_iterator:\n";
// just a different way to write out the elements
// pipe to std::cout or, if you want, to a file
copy(sV.begin(), sV.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout," "));
cout << endl << endl;
// create an iterator (pointer) for a string vector
vector<string>::iterator itsV;
cout << "searching the vector for blue (elements start with 0)\n";
// you can use +=, --, -=, ++ operators, and comparison
// operators <, <=, >, >=, ==, != with vector iterators
for(itsV = sV.begin(); itsV < sV.end(); itsV++)
// search using comparison operators
if (*itsV == "blue")
cout << "found blue in element " << itsV - sV.begin() << "\n\n";
// remove those remaining \n char, thanks to ~s.o.s~
cin.get(); // console keypress wait
return 0;
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