String Alphabetize

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Uses the string comparision functions and the techniques for sorting arrays to alphabetize a list of strings. Uses the names of 10 or 15 towns in your area as data for the program.


** Name: 

** Filename: alphabetize.cpp

** Project #: Deitel & Deitel 5.38

** Project Description: Use the sting comparision functions
   discussed in Section 5.12.2 and the techniques for sorting
   arrays developed in Chapter 4 to write a program that
   alphabetizes a list of strings. Use the names of 10 or 15
   towns in your area as data for your program.

** Output: Listing of the cities in the original order
           Listing of the cities in alphabetical order

** Input: None

** Algorithm: Describe purpose of program to user
              Print out the listing of cities stored
	      in the string array *cities[]. Next perform
	      function BubbleSort
	       Do number of runs as contained in array
	       Check each string with string compare
	       If Result value > 0 then perform a swap
	       until all strings are sorted in alphabetical
	       Return results of BubbleSort
	      Print out the listing of cities in alphabetical
	      End program.


// Include files
#include <iostream>  // used for cin, cout
#include <conio.h>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

// Global Type Declarations

// Function Prototypes
void instruct (void);
void pause ();
void BubbleSort(  const char *array[] , int size );

//Global Variables - should not be used without good reason.

int main ()
	 // Declaration section

	int i = 0;
	const int arraySize = 15;
        const char *cities[ arraySize ] = { "Honolulu", "Aiea", "Pearl City", "Wahiawa", 
		                          "Kalihi", "Waipahu", "Pearl Harbor", "Hawaii Kai", 
                                          "Mililani", "Waikiki", "Kaneohe", "Kapolei", 
                                          "Salt Lake", "Ewa Beach", "Manoa" };
	 // Executable section
	 instruct ();

          //Original print out of listing of cities
	 cout << "The original listing of cities:\n\n";
	 for ( i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i )
         cout << cities[ i ] << "\n" ;

          // Sort the array
	 BubbleSort( cities , arraySize );
          //Print out of listing of cities in alphabetical order
         cout << "The alphabetical listing of cities:\n\n";
         for ( i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i )
         cout << cities[ i ] << "\n" ;

         pause ();
	 return 0;

void BubbleSort( const char *array[] , int size )
    int result;
    //Performs a run through number of strings
	for ( int pass = 0; pass < size - 1 ; ++pass ){
            //Runs through each string for compare
		for ( int j = 0; j < size - 1 - pass; ++j ){
		//Perform string compare and return value store as result
                result = strcmp (array[j], array[j+1]);
		//If value is less than 0 then perform swap function to rearrange
                if (result > 0)
		   swap ( array[j] , array[j+1] );

void instruct (void)
	  // Declaration section
              cout << "This program will take a lising of 15 cities located in a string "
		   << "array and will\nprint out the original listing of cities. It "
		   << "will then take the same string\narray, do a sting compare, sort "
		   << "if necessary and rearrange the string array to\nplace it in "
		   << "alphabetical order. Finally it will print out the alphabetical.\n"
		   << "listing of the cities in the string array.\n"
		   << "_______________________________________________________________"
		   << "_____________"
		   << "\n" << endl;
	  // Executable section

void pause ()
    // Declaration section

    // Executable section
    cout << "\nPress any key to continue...";
    cout << "\r";
    cout << "                            ";
    cout << "\r";

Program Output

This program will take a lising of 15 cities located in a string array and will
print out the original listing of cities. It will then take the same string
array, do a sting compare, sort if necessary and rearrange the string array to
place it in alphabetical order. Finally it will print out the alphabetical.
listing of the cities in the string array.

The original listing of cities:

Pearl City
Pearl Harbor
Hawaii Kai
Salt Lake
Ewa Beach

The alphabetical listing of cities:

Ewa Beach
Hawaii Kai
Pearl City
Pearl Harbor
Salt Lake

Press any key to continue...

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