This is a simple game of pong with made using pygame. You will need to make a picture of the pong for it to run properly. Simply make a cirlce in paint, 25x25.
This is a simple game of pong with made using pygame. You will need to make a picture of the pong for it to run properly. Simply make a cirlce in paint, 25x25.
#Import and initialize
import pygame, random
from pygame.locals import *
global wins, comp, main, deaths, KeepGoing, box_x, box_y
KeepGoing = True
deaths = 0
wins = 0
main = 1
comp = 0
def check_key():
global box_y, main
keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if box_y > 0:
if keystate[pygame.locals.K_UP]:
box_y -= 5
if box_y < 430:
if keystate[pygame.locals.K_DOWN]:
box_y += 5
if keystate[pygame.locals.K_ESCAPE]:
main = 1
def main_seq():
global main, KeepGoing, winning, deaths, wins
deaths = 0
wins = 0
color = (200, 200, 150)
display = True
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480))
pygame.display.set_caption("Hello, world!")
intro = "Welcome to pong, please click here to start."
myFont = pygame.font.SysFont("Comic Sans MS", 15)
label = myFont.render(intro, 1, (255,25,0))
background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
background = background.convert()
while display:
keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keystate[pygame.locals.K_ESCAPE]:
display = False
KeepGoing = False
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
KeepGoing = False
display = False
winning = False
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if mouse[0] >= 220 and mouse[0] <= 545 and mouse[1] >= 200 and mouse[1] <= 250:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
color = (250, 250, 250)
color = (225, 225, 225)
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
display = False
main = False
main = 0
color = (200, 200, 200)
bar = pygame.Surface((325, 50))
bar = bar.convert()
screen.blit(background, (0,0))
screen.blit(bar, (180, 200))
screen.blit(label, (200, 220))
def winning_game():
global winning, comp, main, deaths, box_y, KeepGoing
#Display configuration
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480))
pygame.display.set_caption("Hello, world!")
#Entities (just background for now)
background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
background = background.convert()
box = pygame.Surface((10, 50))
box = box.convert()
paddle = pygame.Surface((10, 50))
paddle = paddle.convert()
pong_blit = pygame.image.load("pong.bmp")
pong_blit = pong_blit.convert()
box_x = 625
box_y = 300
pong_x = random.randrange(60, 300)
pong_y = random.randrange(60, 400)
paddle_x = 20
paddle_y = 0
x = 5
y = 5
bounce = True
text = "Computer: "+ str(deaths) + " User: " + str(wins)
myFont = pygame.font.SysFont("Comic Sans MS", 12)
label = myFont.render(text, 1, (255,255,0))
#Assign values to key variables
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
winning = True
dir = 0
counter = 11
pong_dir = pong_y
while winning:
box_x_right = box_x + 10
box_y_bottom = box_y + 50
pong_x_right = pong_x + 25
pong_y_bottom = pong_y + 25
if main == 1:
winning = False
if box_x <= pong_x_right and box_x + 10 >= pong_x_right and box_y <= pong_y_bottom and box_y + 50 >= pong_y_bottom:
x = -x
if x < 0:
x -= 0.15
y -= 0.1
x += 0.15
y += 0.1
if box_x <= pong_x and box_x + 10 >= pong_x and box_y <= pong_y and box_y + 50 >= pong_y:
x = -x
if x < 0:
x -= 1
y -= 0.75
x += 1
y += 0.75
if paddle_x <= pong_x_right and paddle_x + 10 >= pong_x_right and paddle_y <= pong_y_bottom and paddle_y + 50 >= pong_y_bottom:
x = -x
faster = ( 1.00 * random.randrange(1, 80))/ 100
faster_1 = ( 1.10 * random.randrange(1, 120))/ 100
if x < 0:
x -= faster
y -= faster_1
x += faster
y += faster_1
if paddle_x <= pong_x and paddle_x + 10 >= pong_x and paddle_y <= pong_y and paddle_y + 50 >= pong_y:
x = -x
if x < 0:
x -= 1
y -= 0.75
x += 1
y += 0.75
dir = 0
if pong_y >= 455:
y = -y
if pong_y <= 0:
y = -y
speed = [6, -6]
if pong_x > 350 and pong_y <= random.randrange(1, 480):
rand = random.randrange(1, 5)
if rand == 3:
counter = -5
if pong_x < 300:
counter = 11
if counter > 10:
if paddle_y > pong_y:
if paddle_y > 0 :
dir = speed[1]
elif paddle_y < 0:
dir = 0
if paddle_y < pong_y:
if paddle_y < 430:
dir = speed[0]
elif paddle_y > 430:
dir = 0
elif pong_dir > pong_y and pong_x < 350 and pong_x > 100 and pong_y > 100 and pong_y < 500:
dir = speed[1]
elif pong_dir < pong_y and pong_x < 350 and pong_x > 100 and pong_y > 100 and pong_y < 500:
dir = speed[0]
counter += 1
paddle_y += dir
if pong_x >= 615:
winning = False
main = 0
comp = 0
elif pong_x <= 0 :
winning = False
main = 0
comp = 1
pong_x += x
pong_y += y
pong_dir = pong_y
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
KeepGoing = False
winning = False
screen.blit(background, (0,0))
screen.blit(label, (400,20))
screen.blit(box, (box_x, box_y))
screen.blit(paddle, (paddle_x, paddle_y))
screen.blit(pong_blit, (pong_x, pong_y))
def game():
global deaths, wins, comp, main, KeepGoing
main = 1
while KeepGoing:
if main == 0:
if comp == 0:
deaths += 1
elif comp == 1:
wins += 1
elif main == 1:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Just a note, the use of globals is a bad habit. With a little extra effort you can assign them to function arguments and return statements.
Ingenious but very cool! I definitely like this for wasting some time in school ;)
nice program bro, keep up the good work :)
I may not be an expert, but I recognize bad code when I see it. I don't know if it works -- I admit I did not try it myself, and if it does work, I give you credit for making a working game. However, for the above comment-givers that mentioned how this is a 'nice program,' it is not. Be wary. Do not learn to program using this as an example, it will build bad habits
The road to writing "good programs" is paved with writing hundreds of not so good programs. The most important step is that your programs run :)
The only thing I see wrong with this code is that it uses a lot of if and if else statements. This is just a sign of beginning coding and will be taken to the next level once he is comfortable with OOP. Good start keep up the work and look forward to your improved programs.
If it works then mission is accomplished. Anything else is just small letters.
It works.
A test to see if page 2 works with code snippets.
Globals are a problem only if your program is big enough to be a problem. The bad thing about them is that they can create a messy mix up and if and only if you choose names for your variables that are quite common. You could accidentally reassign variables very easily if you are not careful.
This program is too small to cause an issue. Avoiding the use of globals is a guideline and good advice, using globals can be as effective and correct if you take care naming your variables carefully. This program is more than ok and thank you for sharing this.
How do i start the game
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