Calculator, Includes Sin, Cos, Tan And Sqaure Root!

Black Magic 0 Tallied Votes 5K Views Share

Hey, i was just mucking around and improving my code etc and made a calculator, it's not the best calculator in the world, it only can handle 1 or 2 numbers but i think it's good my self :).

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

#define PI 3.14159265

int main()
    system("TITLE My Calculator Program.");
    system("COLOR C");
    double firstNumber, secondNumber;
    double resultSqrt, resultSin, resultCos, resultTan;
    char operation, boolSqrt; 
    cout << " *****************************************" << endl;;
    cout << "  Kizzop Productions - Simple Calculator!" << endl;;
    cout << " *****************************************\n\n"; 
    cout << "  OPERATORS : +, -, *, /, !, S, C, T" << endl;
    cout << " \n";
    cout << "  + = ADD\n  - = SUBTRACT\n  * = Multiplication\n  ";
    cout << "/ = Division\n  ! = SQAURE ROOT\n  S = SIN\n  ";
    cout << "C = COS\n  T = TAN\n";
    cout << " \n ************************************************" << endl;
    cout << "  NOTE : YOU CAN USE X AND x FOR MULTIPLICATION!" << endl;
    cout << " ************************************************\n\n";    
    cout << "\n ENTER FIRST NUMBER  : ";
    cin  >> firstNumber;

    cout << "\n ENTER OPERATOR SIGN : ";
    cin  >> operation;
    resultSqrt = sqrt (firstNumber);
    resultSin = sin (firstNumber*PI/180);
    resultCos = cos (firstNumber*PI/180);
    resultTan = tan (firstNumber*PI/180);
                          case '+':
                          cout << "\n ENTER SECOND NUMBER : ";
                          cin  >> secondNumber;
                          cout << "\n Answer = " << (firstNumber + secondNumber);
                          case '-':
                               cout << "\n ENTER SECOND NUMBER : ";
                          cin  >> secondNumber;
                          cout << "\n Answer = " << (firstNumber - secondNumber);
                          case '*':
                          case 'x':
                          case 'X':
                          cout << "\n ENTER SECOND NUMBER : ";
                          cin  >> secondNumber;
                          cout << "\n Answer = " << (firstNumber * secondNumber);
                          case '/':
                          cout << "\n ENTER SECOND NUMBER : ";
                          cin  >> secondNumber;
                          cout << "\n Answer = " << (firstNumber / secondNumber);
                          case '!':
                          cout << "\n ANSWER = " << resultSqrt;
                          case 'S':
                          case 's':
                          cout << "\n ANSWER = " << resultSin;
                          case 'C':
                          case 'c':
                          cout << "\n ANSWER = " << resultCos;
                          case 'T':
                          case 't':
                          cout << "\n ANSWER = " << resultTan;
                          cout << "\n WRONG MATHMATICAL OPERATOR!";
                          system("PAUSE > nul");
alpe gulay -1 Light Poster

is it java?why you post this one here???

alpe gulay -1 Light Poster

.,'its nice program bro!!!nice one!

alpe gulay -1 Light Poster

.,'can you make a simple java pogram like this one?...
if you did kindly post it if you mind....

Black Magic 15 Junior Poster

It's C++, and i've added things like ^ (to the power of)

abdulfatah.p 0 Newbie Poster

Great work but no comments, program is simple enough though.

mrwhales4real 0 Newbie Poster

I think its a very good program, im in my first year in my college and this program is my first assignment , im very glad that i found the program its quite nice but i hope to modify it and make it more complex so that i can get an A+ (hehe!). dont worry i wount copy and paste it, i need to understand it then build my own program using this one as reference. thanks alot man ur the best.

hamlet_1 0 Newbie Poster

c program code need here..!!!

  1. ADDTION //if you press 1 it will ask you two numbers to be add
    2.SUBTRACTION // if you press 2 it will ask you two numbers to be subtract
    3.MULTIPLICATION// if you press 3 it will ask you two numbers to be multiply
    4.DIVITION // if you press 4 it will ask you two numbers to be divide

A = SIN // if you press A it will ask you a number to convert into SIN
B = COS // if you press B it will ask you a number to convert into COS
C = TAN // if you press C it will ask you a number to convert into TAN

pls help me to solve this problem

thank u..!

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