sin , cos , tan , cot , exp , pow , fabs & fibonachi simulation

sahasrara 0 Tallied Votes 534 Views Share

Dear all

This code is simulate some of math library funcs.

Good Luck!

//sin , cos , tan , cot , exp , pow , fabs & fibonachi simulation
//programming by : Erfan Nasoori
//Mail :
//Date of send : 2009/2/7

#include <iostream>
#include <math> /*<cmath>*/
#include <conio>

class mymath{
			 double mysin(double);
			 double mycos(double);
                         double mytan(double);
                         double mycot(double);
			 double myexp(double);
			 double mypow(double,double);
                         double myfabs(double);
			 int    fibonachi1(int);
                         void   fibonachi2(long[],int);

double mymath :: mysin(double x)
 double f=1 , p=x , sum=0 , item=x;
 int i;
 for(i=1; fabs(item)>=1e-10 ; ++i)
    sum += item;
    f *= (2*i+1)*(2*i);
    p *= (-x*x);
    item = p/f;
 return sum;
double mymath :: mycos(double x)
 double f=1 , p=1 , sum=1 , item=1;
 int i;
 for(i=1; fabs(item)>=1e-10 ; ++i)
    f *= (2*i-1)*(2*i);
    p *= (-x*x);
    item = p/f;
    sum += item;
 return sum;
double mymath :: mytan(double x)
 if( mycos(x) != 0)
    return mysin(x)/mycos(x);
double mymath :: mycot(double x)
 if( mysin(x) != 0)
    return mycos(x)/mysin(x);
double mymath :: myexp(double x)
 long double f=1 , sum=1 , p=1 , item;
 for(int i=1; i<1000 ; ++i)
    f *= i;
    p *= x;
    item = p/f;
    sum += item;
 return sum;
double mymath :: myfabs(double x)
 return( x<0 ?  -x :  x );
double mymath :: mypow(double x,double y)
 double z , p=1;
 //y<0 ? z=-y : z=y ;
    z = myfabs(y);
    z = y;
 for(int i=0; i<z ; ++i)
    p *= x;
   return 1/p;
   return p;
int mymath :: fibonachi1(int x)
 int f1=1 , f2=1 , f3;
 f3 = f1;
 for(int i=3 ;i<=x;++i)
    f3 = f1+f2;
    f1 = f2;
    f2 = f3;
 return f3;
void mymath :: fibonachi2(long fibo[],int x)
 long f1=1 , f2=1 , f3;
 for(int i=3 ;i<=x;++i)
    fibo[i] = f1+f2;
    f1 = f2;
    f2 = fibo[i];
int main()
 double si,co,tg,cotg,po,ex,fs,x,y,z;
 int i,j,num,fib1,fib2;
 long f3[50];
 char key;
 mymath m;
     cout<<"which program do you want?\n"
  	 <<"enter a number of one of them:\n";

                while(num<1 || num>9)
		 cout<<"Please enter one of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9"
                     <<" inorder to starting program!\n";

                if(num == 1)
 		 cout<<"Please enter x for sin function = ";   cin>>x;

 		 si = m.mysin(x);
 		 cout<<"sin("<<x<<") = "<<si<<"\n"
       	             <<"sin("<<x<<") of math.h headerfile = "<< sin(x)<<endl;

 		else if(num == 2)
 		 cout<<"Please enter x for cos function = ";   cin>>x;
 		 co = m.mycos(x);
 		 cout<<"cos("<<x<<") = "<<co<<"\n"
   		     <<"cos("<<x<<") of math.h headerfile = "<<cos(x)<<endl;

                else if(num == 3)
 		 cout<<"Please enter x for tan function = ";   cin>>x;
 		 tg = m.mytan(x);
 		 cout<<"tan("<<x<<") = "<<tg<<"\n"
   		     <<"tan("<<x<<") of math.h headerfile = "<<tan(x)<<endl;

                else if(num == 4)
 		 cout<<"Please enter x for cot function = ";   cin>>x;
 		 cotg = m.mycot(x);
 		 cout<<"cot("<<x<<") = "<<cotg<<"\n"
   		     <<"cot("<<x<<") of math.h headerfile = "<<(1/tan(x))<<endl;

  		else if(num == 5)
 		 cout<<"Please enter x for exponent function = ";   cin>>x;
 		 ex = m.myexp(x);
 		 cout<<"exp("<<x<<") = "<<ex<<"\n"
   		     <<"exp("<<x<<") of math.h headerfile = "<<exp(x)<<endl;

 		else if(num == 6)
 		 cout<<"Please enter x for power function = ";   cin>>x;
 		 cout<<"Please enter y for power function = ";   cin>>y;
 		 po = m.mypow(x,y);
 		 cout<<"pow("<<x<<","<<y<<") = "<<po<<"\n"
   		     <<"pow("<<x<<","<<y<<") of math.h headerfile = "

                else if(num == 7)
 		 cout<<"Please enter a number = ";   cin>>x;
 		 fs = m.myfabs(x);
 		 cout<<"fabs("<<x<<") = "<<fs<<"\n"
   		     <<"fabs("<<x<<") of math.h headerfile = "

 		else if(num == 8)
 		 cout<<"which number do you want to show ?"<<endl;
   		 while(x <= 0)
     		   cout<<"Try again : ";
 		 fib1 = m.fibonachi1(x);
 		 cout<<x<<"th number of fibonachi seri = "<<fib1<<endl;

   		 cout<<"How many numbers of fibonachi "
                     <<"seri do you want to show?\n";
   		 while(x <= 0)
        	   cout<<"Try again : ";

   		 cout<<x<<" numbers of fibonachi : "<<endl;
   		 if(x == 1)
   		   cout<<"1 1 ";
   		   for(i=3 ; i<=x ; ++i)
   		      cout<<f3[i]<<" ";
		cout<<"do you want to continue (y/n) ? "<<endl;
		key = getch();

   }while(key=='y'|| key=='Y');
 return 0;
subtercosm 0 Light Poster

Thanks for making this posting.

In mytan and mycot, not all paths return a value. What do you expect the function's behavior to be then? I would return NaN. Also those functions unnecessarily recalculate mycos and mysin once.

Your lines

    z = myfabs(y);
    z = y;

are equivalent to just saying z = myfabs(y); .

sahasrara 0 Newbie Poster

thats right
z = myfabs(y);

but i don't undrestand , is there any problem in mytan ? logical or mathematics etc.
its return value haven't problem , we can declare a double cell and transfer mysin/mycos to it and finally return this cell.

subtercosm 0 Light Poster

Hm, it seems on g++ anyway that if you don't return a value, NaN is returned.

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