For my final project in COSC I, I am supposed to make a semi-poker simulation. Right now I am having trouble determining when the given hand is a fullHouse. Here is the whole program so far.

#include <ctime> // time for random number seed
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // random number generator
#include <iomanip> // format output
using namespace std;
// function prototypes

struct ACard{
	int Number;
	char Picture;

void InitiateCard(ACard[]);
void ShuffleCard(ACard[]);
void DisplayCard(ACard[]);
void DrawCard(ACard[]);
void SortCard(ACard[]);
void CardAce(char);
void CardTwo(char);
void CardThree(char);
void CardFour(char);
void CardFive(char);
void CardSix(char);
void CardSeven(char);
void CardEight(char);
void CardNine(char);
void CardTen(char);
void CardJack(char);
void CardQueen(char);
void CardKing(char);
bool pairJack(ACard[]);
bool twoPair(ACard[]);
bool triple(ACard[]);
int straightorStraightFlush(ACard[]);
bool flush(ACard[]);
bool fullHouse(ACard[]);
bool fourCard(ACard[]);
bool royalFlush(ACard[]);
int makeBet(int);
int playGame(ACard[], int);
int determineReward(ACard[], int, int); 

int main()
	ACard card[52];
	int seedMoney;
	cout<< "Welcome to John Iannuzzi's Poker Game" << endl;
	cout << "Enter an ammount of money to play with: " << endl;
	cin >> seedMoney;

	playGame(card, seedMoney);


int playGame(ACard Card[], int seed)
	int bet;
	char yesorno;
	cout<< "Do you want to play? (Y,N)" << endl;
	cin >> yesorno;
	while((yesorno != 'Y') && (yesorno != 'y') && (yesorno != 'N') && (yesorno != 'n'))
		cout << "That is an invalid input. Try again." << endl;
		cout<< "Do you want to play? (Y,N)" << endl;
		cin >> yesorno;
	if(yesorno == 'Y' || yesorno == 'y')
	bet = makeBet(seed);
	seed = determineReward(Card, seed, bet);

	playGame(Card, seed);
	return 0;

		cout << "Thank you and good bye." << endl;
		return 0;

int determineReward(ACard card[], int seed, int bet)
	bool win = true;
	if (pairJack(card))
			cout << "You got a pair of jacks!" << endl;
			bet = bet * 1;
	else if (twoPair(card) && !fullHouse(card) && !flush(card))
		cout << "You got two pair!" << endl;
			bet = bet * 2;
	else if (triple(card) && !flush(card) && !fullHouse(card))
			cout << "You got a triple!" << endl;
			bet = bet * 4;
	else if (straightorStraightFlush(card) == 1)
			cout << "You got a straight!" << endl;
			bet = bet * 6;
	else if (flush(card) && !fullHouse(card))
		cout << "You got a flush!" << endl;
			bet = bet * 8;
	else if (fullHouse(card))
		cout << "You got a full house!" << endl;
		bet = bet * 10;
	else if (fourCard(card))
		cout << "You got a four of a kind!" << endl;
		bet = bet * 20;
	else if(straightorStraightFlush(card) == 2)
		cout << "You got a straight flush!" << endl;
		bet = bet * 100;
	else if(royalFlush(card))
		cout << "You got a royal flush!" << endl;
		bet = bet * 1000;
		cout << "Sorry you didn't win anything." << endl;
		cout << "Your initial balance was: $" << seed << endl;
		seed = seed - bet;
		cout << "Your current balance is: $" << seed << endl;
		cout << "You lost: $" << bet << endl;
		win = false;
	if (win == true)
	cout << "Your inintial balance was: $" << seed << endl;
	seed = seed + bet;
	cout << "Your current balace is: $" << seed << endl;
	cout << "You won: $" << bet << endl;
	return seed;

void InitiateCard(ACard n[])
	int cardCount = 1;

	for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++){
		n[i].Picture = 3;
		n[i].Number = i + 1;
	for (int a = 13; a < 26; a++){
		n[a].Picture = 4;
		n[a].Number = cardCount;
	cardCount = 1;

	for(int b = 26; b < 39; b++){
		n[b].Picture = 5;
		n[b].Number = cardCount;
	cardCount = 1;

	for(int c = 39; c < 52; c++){
		n[c].Picture = 6;
		n[c].Number = cardCount;


int makeBet(int seed)
	int bet;
	cout << "How much do you want to bet?" << endl;
	cin >> bet;

	while (bet > seed)
		cout << "Sorry you do not have that much. Please enter a bet within the given seed money." << endl;
		cin >> bet;

	return bet;

void ShuffleCard(ACard n[])
	for(int i = 0; i < 52; i++)
		int j = rand() % 52;
		int temp = n[i].Number;
		int temp2 = n[i].Picture;
		n[i].Number = n[j].Number;
		n[i].Picture = n[j].Picture;
		temp = n[j].Number;
		temp2 = n[j].Picture;


void CardAce(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"A"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "A"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

void CardTwo(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"2"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(3)<<Pic<<setw(5)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(5)<<Pic<<setw(3)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "2"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

void CardThree(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"3"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "3"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
void CardFour(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"4"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "4"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
void CardFive(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"5"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "5"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
void CardSix(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"6"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "6"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
void CardSeven(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"7"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "7"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

void CardEight(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"8"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "8"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

void CardNine(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"9"<<setw(7)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "9"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

void CardTen(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<"10"<<setw(6)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(4)<<Pic<<setw(4)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(2)<<Pic<<setw(4)<< Pic << setw(2) << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(7)<< "10"<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

void CardJack(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<Pic << "J"<<setw(6)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(6)<< "J"<< Pic <<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

void CardQueen(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<Pic << "Q"<<setw(6)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(6)<< "Q"<< Pic << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

void CardKing(char Pic)
cout <<"---------"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<Pic << "K"<<setw(6)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(8)<<"|"<<endl;
cout <<"|"<<setw(6)<< "K"<<Pic << "|"<<endl;
cout <<"---------"<<endl;

// Insertion sort
void SortCard(ACard FiveCard[])
	ACard InCard;
	int pos;
	char KeyPic;
	for (int i=1; i<5; i++)
		InCard =FiveCard[i];
		pos = i;
		while (pos >0 && InCard.Number < FiveCard[pos-1].Number)
			FiveCard[pos] = FiveCard[pos -1];

void DisplayCard(ACard n[])
	n[0].Number = 4;
	n[1].Number = 4;
	n[2].Number = 4;
	n[3].Number = 7;
	n[4].Number = 7;
	n[0].Picture = 3;
	n[1].Picture = 3;
	n[2].Picture = 3;
	n[3].Picture = 3;
	n[4].Picture = 3;

	for (int i = 0; i<5; i++)
		switch (n[i].Number)
			case 1:CardAce(n[i].Picture);
			case 2:CardTwo(n[i].Picture);
			case 3:CardThree(n[i].Picture);
			case 4:CardFour(n[i].Picture);
			case 5:CardFive(n[i].Picture);
			case 6:CardSix(n[i].Picture);
			case 7:CardSeven(n[i].Picture);
			case 8:CardEight(n[i].Picture);
			case 9:CardNine(n[i].Picture);
			case 10:CardTen(n[i].Picture);
			case 11:CardJack(n[i].Picture);
			case 12:CardQueen(n[i].Picture);
			case 13:CardKing(n[i].Picture);

void DrawCard(ACard n[])
	int yesorno = 2;
	int deckCount = 5;
	int temp;
	char temp2;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		if(n[i].Number < 11 && n[i].Number > 1)
			cout<< n[i].Number << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		else if (n[i].Number == 1)
			cout<< "A" << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		else if (n[i].Number == 11)
			cout<< "J" << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		else if (n[i].Number == 12)
			cout<< "Q" << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		else if (n[i].Number == 13)
			cout<< "K" << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		cin >> yesorno;

		while (yesorno > 1 || yesorno < 0){
		cout << "Invalid number please try again." << endl;
		if(n[i].Number < 11 && n[i].Number > 1)
			cout<< n[i].Number << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		else if (n[i].Number == 1)
			cout<< "A" << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		else if (n[i].Number == 11)
			cout<< "J" << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		else if (n[i].Number == 12)
			cout<< "Q" << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;
		else if (n[i].Number == 13)
			cout<< "K" << n[i].Picture << ": Hold (1) or Redraw (0)?" << endl;

		cin >> yesorno;

		if(yesorno == 0)
			n[i].Number = n[deckCount].Number;
			n[i].Picture = n[deckCount].Picture;

bool pairJack(ACard n[])
	int jackCount = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		if(n[i].Number == 11)

	if (jackCount == 2 && !twoPair(n) && !triple(n) && !fullHouse(n))
		return true;
		return false;

bool twoPair(ACard n[])
	bool pair1 = false;
	bool pair2 = false;
	int savePos;
	for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
		if(n[i].Number == n[i - 1].Number && !pair1)
			pair1 = true;
			savePos = i + 2;
		else if(pair1 == true)
			i = 4;

	if(pair1 == true && savePos < 5)
		for(int a = savePos; a < 5; a++)
			if(n[a].Number == n[a - 1].Number)
				pair2 = true;

	if(pair1  && pair2)
		return true;
		return false;

bool triple(ACard n[])
	int tripleCount = 0;
	for(int i = 2; i < 5; i++)
		if(n[i].Number == n[i-1].Number && n[i-2].Number == n[i].Number)
	if(tripleCount == 1)
		return true;
		return false;

int straightorStraightFlush(ACard n[])
	int count = 0;
	int straightCount = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
		if(n[i].Number == n[i-1].Number)

	if(count == 4)
		for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
			if(n[i].Picture == n[i - 1].Picture)
		if(straightCount = 4)
			return 2;
			return 1;
		return 0;

bool flush(ACard n[])
	int flushCount = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
			if(n[i].Picture == n[i - 1].Picture)
	if(flushCount == 4)
		return true;
		return false;

bool fullHouse(ACard n[])
	int count = 0;
	int a = 0;
	bool hasTwo = false;
	bool hasThree = false;
	while(a < 5){
		for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
			if(a != i && n[a].Number == n[i].Number && count != 1)
			else if (count == 1)
				if(n[a].Number == n[i + 1].Number)
					hasThree = true;
					count = 0;
					a = a + 2;

				else if(hasTwo && hasThree)
					a = 5;
					hasTwo = true;
					count = 0;
		if(hasTwo && hasThree)
			return true;
			return false;

bool fourCard(ACard n[])
	int fourCount = 0;
	for(int i = 3; i < 5; i++)
		if(n[i].Number == n[i - 1].Number && n[i].Number == n[i - 2].Number && n[i].Number == n[i - 3].Number)
	if (fourCount == 1)
		return true;
		return false;
bool royalFlush(ACard n[])
	int aceCount = 0;
	int tenCount = 0;
	int jackCount = 0;
	int queenCount = 0;
	int kingCount = 0;
	int picCount = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		if(n[i].Number == 1)
		else if(n[i].Number == 10)
		else if(n[i].Number == 11)
		else if(n[i].Number == 12)
		else if(n[i].Number == 13)
	for(int a = 1; a < 5; a++)
			if(n[a].Picture == n[a - 1].Picture)

	if (picCount == 4 && aceCount == 1 && tenCount == 1 && jackCount == 1 && queenCount == 1 && kingCount == 1){

		return true;

		return false;

Can Anyone help me? Also I have display card set up in a way that tests the fullHouse function.

Here is the full house by itself.

bool fullHouse(ACard n[])
	int count = 0;
	int a = 0;
	bool hasTwo = false;
	bool hasThree = false;
	while(a < 5){
		for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
			if(a != i && n[a].Number == n[i].Number && count != 1)
			else if (count == 1)
				if(n[a].Number == n[i + 1].Number)
					hasThree = true;
					count = 0;
					a = a + 2;

				else if(hasTwo && hasThree)
					a = 5;
					hasTwo = true;
					count = 0;
		if(hasTwo && hasThree)
			return true;
			return false;

Assuming that your sort works...

if (n[0] == n[1] && n[3] == n[4] && (n[2] == n[1] || n[2] == n[3]))

Thank you so much, you just saved my life. I guess I was seriously over thinking that one.

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