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338 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for dseto200

This program appears to be a merge of the 'have the computer pick a word and have the user guess it' and your 'number guessing' program. As written, the user doesn't have any interface to ask if the word contains a letter. You let them guess at the word and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Zach1188

I agree with grumpier, if you have to use the system() call, you're stuck with the "black window". But unless you're calling batch files, you can probably avoid the system() call.

Member Avatar for Giver
Member Avatar for iuessele

I like using random.shuffle() on the unused cards (or deck) and then you can just pop() a random card off the unused list. If you need to keep a used cards list, you can append the card you just got. When it is time to shuffle again, you can refill …

Member Avatar for alexander.selin.7
Member Avatar for Etniespr101
Member Avatar for Musa_Jutt
Member Avatar for noamjob

This is the essential parts of the 'source' for the basic search form extracted from the web page you indicated: [code=html] <form action="/search.php#results" method="post"> <strong>Basic Search </strong> <strong>First Name:</strong><br> <input name="fFIRSTNAME" type="text" size="10" maxlength="25" value=""> <strong>Last Name:</strong><br> <input name="fLASTNAME" type="text" size="10" maxlength="25" value=""> </form> [/code] The <form> tells you that …

Member Avatar for rmhapp
Member Avatar for basukinjal

So what are the 'given' parameters for the tree? Are all values in the tree guaranteed to be single digits? Is there a maximum depth limit? Ok, let me work this out 'on paper' so I understand it: {Note that spaces are preserved inside code tags.} Tree with 3 nodes, …

Member Avatar for steve.lorimer
Member Avatar for asameh99

attrib is a program, not an internal command. Either, the program has been removed or renamed or it is not in your path. Though it sounds like you have a more serious problem with the system. The BOOT.INI file is what Windows uses to determine where to find the windows …

Member Avatar for Eng.muslima
Member Avatar for orwell84

I agree with Comatose, you should probably put the part that prompts for and accepts new input inside the loop somehow. That way as the loop is run again you ask for input again. The psuedo-code looks something like: [LIST] [*]While the user has not guessed the number [*]Prompt for …

Member Avatar for mdawg252
Member Avatar for yabuki

Putting code in headers is generally bad form....if you include that same header in more than one file in a compilation unit you get duplicate symbols. The original layout of the files should have worked, did you include myfile.obj or myfile.o when you compiled main.c?

Member Avatar for xmelx
Member Avatar for dennis.d.elston

Well, I personally prefer to help with code that will at least compile... Your original lines 36-39: [code=c] status = fscanf(filep, "%d%d%d%d", measuredp->site_id_num measuredp->wind_speed measuredp->day_of_month measuredp->temperature; [/code] are missing the closing ')' for the function call and the ',' separating the arguments. What dragon was referring to was that with …

Member Avatar for litsluv
Member Avatar for Krysis

I'm thinking that your problem is actually the format character in the last printf. '%d' is for decimals/integers. Try using a '%f' instead.

Member Avatar for Astro2010
Member Avatar for stonerain

I googled the function name and came up with this description: [quote] The function cvCalcOpticalFlowBM calculates optical flow for overlapped blocks blockSize.width×blockSize.height pixels each, thus the velocity fields are smaller than the original images. For every block in imgA the functions tries to find a similar block in imgB in …

Member Avatar for bart.scotty
Member Avatar for dansnyderECE

What part have you written and/or what specific question do you have? - Did you get the binary file open? - Did you fill the vector from the file? - Did you find the start point of the string? - Were you able to append characters to your string from …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for RingmasterTJ

I'd like to experiment with the code to try it, but in the interest of a quick answer, try [icode]low < mid[/icode] on line 20 and [icode]mid < high[/icode] on line 25. Basic translation: If there are values between low and high that are lower than mid, add them to …

Member Avatar for wieczorek1990
Member Avatar for salgaby

You're going to have to save the operands that you show the quiz taker so that you can actually perform the math to see if they give you the right answer. Right now, in CheckAnswer, you re-generate two operands and add them together. If the user happens to have entered …

Member Avatar for salgaby
Member Avatar for Manny7

I found this code example [code=Perl] use Getopt::Long; my $data = "file.dat"; my $length = 24; my $verbose; $result = GetOptions ("length=i" => \$length, # numeric "file=s" => \$data, # string "verbose" => \$verbose); # flag [/code] at [url][/url] (The first page returned for google "perl getopt long") If you've …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for prasadk14

It was my understanding (and I did a little searching that didn't disagree) packets sent to should be available to anyone with a 239.x.x.x address. Does your computer have a 239.x.x.x address? Are you listening to the right port?

Member Avatar for prasadk14
Member Avatar for Hoss212

So you don't want to append to the file, you want to update its contents? How many files are there? One per team? One per player? One per stat? If the file is in ASCII form (like your sample stat was) and you need to update it, you will likely …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for kayba

Think about would YOU do it? All you really have to do is additional testing in the year they would turn 18. If they would turn 17 (or younger) this year they fail. If they would turn 19 (or older) this year they pass (they're already 18). If they …

Member Avatar for kayba
Member Avatar for princecal

If you were given the assignment to do it by hand, how would YOU do it? (The manual process makes a good basis for the pseudo code for the computer.)

Member Avatar for shaiq
Member Avatar for perly

did you mean to save the key and value pairs you read in so you can search them when you open the second file?

Member Avatar for perly
Member Avatar for mischikun

I'm not sure what the question is. You declare a pointer to an object of the appropriate type on line 17, in most linked lists I've seen, it is usually named "next" but other than that I don't see a problem. You do appear to be declaring one on line …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for DrewDodson89

You want to put the date and time in the title of the window that pops up, or do you want the name of the directory to contain the date and/or time? For getting the date/time into a string, you might look at strftime() and you should probably also consider …

Member Avatar for DrewDodson89
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

It was a link to another thread that explains why not to use eof() in your while loop condition. Click the link, read the thread and implement the change.

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Aurorian

line 24 is passing the address of a function to scanf? I think you meant [icode]scanf("%f", &inch);[/icode] line 35 you need to pass the address of restart [icode]scanf("%f", &restart);[/icode]

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for jdpjtp910

I wouldn't have written it in the same way, but I think your problem is two-fold: First, you never set an initial value for [ICODE]DivSales::totalSales[/ICODE] so it's initial value is undefined. Second, line 21 of DivSales.h where you think you are adding to the total, [code] totalSales =+ q0+q1+q2+q3; // …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for ravenrider

the [ICODE]ifstream fin[/ICODE] on line 48 inside readin() is NOT the same as the stream of the same name that is declared on line 20 and opened on line 24 in main(). You either need to open the file in readin() or pass the stream from main into readin().

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for shyami

You put your variable definitions in a .py file you could name it if you wanted to. Then from the other python file (.py) that wanted the variables you add a line: [code=Python] from definevble import * [/code] That imports everything in that file into this file. I think …

Member Avatar for shyami
Member Avatar for sathya8819

I've never actually done it for a website, so you may want to take this with a grain of salt. The concept is that as a user is added to the 'database' of users, you generate a random 'validation value' that is also stored with the user. You then generate …

Member Avatar for sathya8819
Member Avatar for BevoX

If you don't intend to use any of the predefined C++ data types in your implementation, what do you propose to use? A 6000 byte long number could be implemented, I would probably use an array with 6000 elements, but that still uses base C++ data types. (Ignoring the fact …

Member Avatar for maf5693

The End.