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6 Posted Topics
I am building a new OS as a learning experience, and after trudging through intel architecture manuals and osdever tutorials I still have no idea how to write a keyboard device driver- using BIOS calls and interrupts is outdated and I have no idea how to directly interface the keyboard … | |
Re: there are BIOS bound interrupts which typically give easy input output to hardware devices, and then there are the interrupts defined in the IDT(Interrupt Descriptor Table) usually found in the boot sector and referenced using lidt (look up a tutorial on the IDT). On intel-compatible processors there are typically 19 … | |
hi I have been looking around for a good file io tutorial and I cant find any. It is simple enough to me the process, mov dx,043h mov al,54 out dx,al etc. but i have no idea which ports go to where or how to write to a hard disk … | |
Re: [url]http://www.osdever.net/tutorials/view/the-booting-process[/url] sort of steep learning curve for a simple tutorial, but very thorough and give much more information than other tutorials ive found. Also, he does a great job of expalining integrating c and assembly into the OS development process. | |
alright I am trying to develop an operating system with assembly. I have written the boot loader and the beginnings of a kernel-however I am having a problem printing characters to the screen. Here is my bootloader [CODE] use16 ; We need 16-bit intructions for Real mode ORG 0x7C00 ; … | |
Re: during my adventures in C++ i also wanted to create a new data independent from the types defined in c++;not as an objective, but out of mere curiosity... If you really want to do that i would recommend using the __asm__ keyword within assembly data is not predefined into types; … |
The End.