I am all confused, I don't where to start. This is my first programming class and i need some help please.

Write a C program for an automatic teller machine that dispenses money. The user should enter the amount desired (a multiple of 10 dollars) and the machine dispenses this amount using the least number of bills. The bills dispensed are 50s, 20s, and 10s. Write a function that determines how many of each kind of bill to dispense.

>I am all confused, I don't where to start.

Declare a variable that will keep money amount.
Ask the user for money amount.
Read the input.
Process the input in a function to determined how many bills of each class needs to be outputted.

>I am all confused, I don't where to start.
Somewhere, anywhere, even if it's completely wrong. If you have to, write a hello world program and build on it. The last thing you want to do is fall into a hole of not knowing what to do and being afraid to try something.

As a start, write just the I/O. Snip hard parts off of the program requirements until you have something workable to get you started, for example:

Write a C program for an automatic teller machine that dispenses money. The user should enter the amount desired (a multiple of 10 dollars) and the machine dispenses this amount.

This is very simple. All you're doing is taking input and spitting it back out as output. From there you can incrementally add features as you become more comfortable with the program.

Is this how the program should begin? i am really lost here

* Compute the user transactions.

#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
	double amount;
        double count_amount ;
	count_amount = 0.0;
while (count_amount < amount)    {
         printf("Enter the amount to withdraw >");
         scanf("%1f", &count_amount);

         count_amount = count_amount + 10;


	count_amount = count_amount + 10

How would you solve the problem manually?

I want to withdraw $180, what bills would you give me?

How did you decide how many to give me?

Ok now make the computer do it...

Write some code that asks how much to withdraw.
Add a print statement that outputs what it thought I entered.
(The last step might be temporary, but its always nice to verify the input works.)
Then write some code to have the computer follow the way you solved the problem by hand.
Add some code to output what you calculated.

>I am all confused, I don't where to start. This is my first programming class and i need some help please.
Before writing the code you must make the algorithm of the program you require which includes writing the steps for solving a particular problem.This will help you while writing the code.

>I am all confused, I don't where to start.

Declare a variable that will keep money amount.
Ask the user for money amount.
Read the input.
Process the input in a function to determined how many bills of each class needs to be outputted.

* Compute the user transactions. 

#include <stdio.h> 

main (void) 
int amount; 
int number_bills;

printf("Enter the amount to withdraw >"); 
scanf("%d", &amount); 

while (amount >= 50) { 
amount -= 50;

printf("Dispense %d $50 bill(s), ",number_bills);

while (amount >= 20) { 
amount -= 20;

printf("%d $20 bill(s), ",number_bills);

while (amount >= 10) { 
amount -= 10;

printf("and %d $10 bill(s).\n",number_bills);

return 0;

>Write a function that determines how many of each kind of bill to dispense.
What about this part now? Can you take the processing of bills away from main and implement it in a function?

Use code tags to preserver the indentation and format of your code. How? Highlight all your source code, then click the # at the top of the message window. Add a '=c' to the beginning tag like: [CODE=C] to specify that we are dealing with the C language.

Can you please help me on how to make a program for an automated teller machine

commented: Useless "me too" gimmetehcodez bumper -3
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