Please i need the code of a simple ATM program on C, please help me!!!
brightstar -2 Newbie Poster
Salem 5,231 Posting Sage
Which is in response to your whining bump of this year-old thread.
Make an effort, even if it's just printing "welcome to ATM, enter PIN".
Mr.Bling Bling -2 Newbie Poster
// ATM.cpp
2 // Member-function definitions for class ATM.
3 #include "ATM.h" // ATM class definition
4 #include "Transaction.h" // Transaction class definition
5 #include "BalanceInquiry.h" // BalanceInquiry class definition
6 #include "Withdrawal.h" // Withdrawal class definition
7 #include "Deposit.h" // Deposit class definition
9 // enumeration constants represent main menu options
12 // ATM default constructor initializes data members
13 ATM::ATM()
14 : userAuthenticated ( false ), // user is not authenticated to start
15 currentAccountNumber( 0 ) // no current account number to start
16 {
17 // empty body
18 } // end ATM default constructor
20 // start ATM
21 void ATM::run()
22 {
23 // welcome and authenticate user; perform transactions
24 while ( true )
25 {
26 // loop while user is not yet authenticated
27 while ( !userAuthenticated )
28 {
29 screen.displayMessageLine( "\nWelcome!" );
30 authenticateUser(); // authenticate user
31 } // end while
33 performTransactions(); // user is now authenticated
34 userAuthenticated = false; // reset before next ATM session
35 currentAccountNumber = 0; // reset before next ATM session
36 screen.displayMessageLine( "\nThank you! Goodbye!" );
37 } // end while
38 } // end function run
40 // attempt to authenticate user against database
41 void ATM::authenticateUser()
42 {
43 screen.displayMessage( "\nPlease enter your account number: " );
44 int accountNumber = keypad.getInput(); // input account number
45 screen.displayMessage( "\nEnter your PIN: " ); // prompt for PIN
46 int pin = keypad.getInput(); // input PIN
48 // set userAuthenticated to bool value returned by database
49 userAuthenticated =
50 bankDatabase.authenticateUser( accountNumber, pin );
52 // check whether authentication succeeded
53 if ( userAuthenticated )
54 {
55 currentAccountNumber = accountNumber; // save user's account #
56 } // end if
57 else
58 screen.displayMessageLine(
59 "Invalid account number or PIN. Please try again." );
60 } // end function authenticateUser
62 // display the main menu and perform transactions
63 void ATM::performTransactions()
64 {
65 // local pointer to store transaction currently being processed
66 Transaction *currentTransactionPtr;
68 bool userExited = false; // user has not chosen to exit
70 // loop while user has not chosen option to exit system
71 while ( !userExited )
72 {
73 // show main menu and get user selection
74 int mainMenuSelection = displayMainMenu();
76 // decide how to proceed based on user's menu selection
77 switch ( mainMenuSelection )
78 {
79 // user chose to perform one of three transaction types
82 case DEPOSIT:
83 // initialize as new object of chosen type
84 currentTransactionPtr =
85 createTransaction( mainMenuSelection );
87 currentTransactionPtr->execute(); // execute transaction
89 // free the space for the dynamically allocated Transaction
90 delete currentTransactionPtr;
92 break;
93 case EXIT: // user chose to terminate session
94 screen.displayMessageLine( "\nExiting the system..." );
95 userExited = true; // this ATM session should end
96 break;
97 default: // user did not enter an integer from 1-4
98 screen.displayMessageLine(
99 "\nYou did not enter a valid selection. Try again." );
100 break;
101 } // end switch
102 } // end while
103 } // end function performTransactions
105 // display the main menu and return an input selection
106 int ATM::displayMainMenu() const
107 {
108 screen.displayMessageLine( "\nMain menu:" );
109 screen.displayMessageLine( "1 - View my balance" );
110 screen.displayMessageLine( "2 - Withdraw cash" );
111 screen.displayMessageLine( "3 - Deposit funds" );
112 screen.displayMessageLine( "4 - Exit\n" );
113 screen.displayMessage( "Enter a choice: " );
114 return keypad.getInput(); // return user's selection
115 } // end function displayMainMenu
117 // return object of specified Transaction derived class
118 Transaction *ATM::createTransaction( int type )
119 {
120 Transaction *tempPtr; // temporary Transaction pointer
122 // determine which type of Transaction to create
123 switch ( type )
124 {
125 case BALANCE_INQUIRY: // create new BalanceInquiry transaction
126 tempPtr = new BalanceInquiry(
127 currentAccountNumber, screen, bankDatabase );
128 break;
129 case WITHDRAWAL: // create new Withdrawal transaction
130 tempPtr = new Withdrawal( currentAccountNumber, screen,
131 bankDatabase, keypad, cashDispenser );
132 break;
133 case DEPOSIT: // create new Deposit transaction
134 tempPtr = new Deposit( currentAccountNumber, screen,
135 bankDatabase, keypad, depositSlot );
136 break;
137 } // end switch
139 return tempPtr; // return the newly created object
140 } // end function createTransaction
Edited by Nick Evan because: Added code-tags (Did that help? Err, no.)
WaltP commented: Is this an answer to the question? If so, shame! We don't do homework for people. -- Is this a question? If so, shame! What's the question and why hijack someone's thread? -2
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