I am getting errors when trying to compile my program, can anyone help?
Errors are
error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'constant'
error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'constant'
fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found
Here is my code:

//    declaration of a binary tree with pointers to left and right children//

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 9

typedef int DATA;

struct node
	DATA dat;
	struct node *left;
	struct node *right;

typedef struct node bNODE;
typedef node *BTREE;

void inorder(const BTREE root);
void preorder(const BTREE root);
void postorder(const BTREE root);
BTREE makeTree(int a[], int i, int SIZE);
BTREE new_node();
BTREE init_node(DATA dat1, BTREE par1, BTREE par2);
BTREE insert(BTREE parent, BTREE root, int item);
int count_nodes(BTREE root, int cnt);
int count_Lnodes(BTREE root, int cnt);

int *makeArray(BTREE root, int val[]);
int *inorder_traversal(int i, BTREE b_tree, int *valPtr);
int *order_array(int a[]);
void divide_array(int a[], int b[], int c[], int SIZE);
int find_center(int a[], int SIZE);

int main()
//	int command;

	BTREE b_tree;
	int array_of_ints[] = {5, 10, 2, 5, 7, 12, 3, 9, 8};
	int val[9] = {0};
	int *valPtr = 0;

	b_tree = makeTree)array_of_ints, 0, SIZE);
	printf("Tree printed 'in-order'\n");
	preorder (b_tree);
	printf("Number of nodes = %d\n", count_nodes(b_tree, 0));
	printf("Number of Leaf nodes = %d\n", count_Lnodes(b_tree, 0));
	printf("Here is the array made from the tree:\n");
	valPtr = makeArray(b_tree, val);
	return 0;


// put an array in alphabetical order
int *order_array(int a[])
	int j, i, temp;
	int *b = a;

	for (i = 0; i < SIZE-1; ++i)
	for (j = i+1; j < SIZE; ++j)
	if (a[i] > a[j])
		temp = a[i];
		a[i] = a[j];
		a[j] = temp;
return b;

	// put an array in alphabetical order
int *order_array(int a[])
	int j, i, temp;
	int *b = a;

	for (i = 0; i < SIZE-1; ++i)
	for (j = i+1; j < SIZE; ++j)
	if (a[i] > a[j])
		temp = a[i];
		a[i] = a[j];
		a[j] = temp;
	return b;

// send function a, the array to be divided, and b and c, the 2 array pointers
void divide_array(int a[], int b[], int c[], int SIZE)
	int i, j;

	for (i = 0; i < SIZE/2; ++i) b[i] = a[i];
	i++; // removing middle item, the one being added
	for (j = 0; i < SIZE; ++i, ++j) c[j] = a[i];

// find center of an array
int find_center(int a[], int SIZE)
	int i = 0, center;

	while (i < SIZE) ++i;
	center = i / 2;
	printf("%d.. %d .. %d\n", i, center, a[center]);
	return a[center];

// create ordered binary tree using recursion, divide array, then insert center int
BTREE makeTree(int a[], int i, int SIZE)
	int b[SIZE] = {0}, c[SIZE] = {0};

	if(SIZE == 0) 
		return NULL;
	if(SIZE == 1)
		init_node(a[0], NULL, NULL);
	if(i <= SIZE)
		divide_array(a, b, c, SIZE);
		return init_node(find_center(a, SIZE), makeTree(b, 2 * i + 1, SIZE / 2),

		makeTree(c, 2 * i + 2, SIZE - SIZE / 2 - 1));

// create array using inorder binary tree traversal and print
int *makeArray(BTREE root, int val[])
	int i = 0, *valPtr;

	valPtr = val;
	valPtr = inorder_traversal(i, root, val);
	return valPtr;

// create array from binary tree
int *inorder_traversal(int i, BTREE parent, int val[])
	int *valPtr;
	valPtr = val;

	if (parent != NULL)
		inorder_traversal(i, parent->left, val);
		val[i] = parent->dat;
		printf("%d ", val[i]);
		inorder_traversal(i, parent->right, val);
	return valPtr;

// inorder binary tree traversal and print
void inorder(const BTREE parent)
	if (parent != NULL) 
		printf("%d ", parent->dat);

// preorder binary tree traversal and print
void preorder(const BTREE root)
	if (root != NULL) 
		printf("%d ", root->dat);

// creating binary trees
BTREE new_node()
	return (malloc(sizeof(bNODE)));

BTREE init_node(dat1, BTREE par1, BTREE par2)
	t = new_node();
	t->dat = dat1;
	t->left = par1;
	t->right = par2;
	return t;

// count total number of nodes
int count_nodes(BTREE root, int cnt)
	if (root != NULL) 
		cnt = count_nodes(root->left, cnt); /* recur left */
		cnt = count_nodes(root->right, ++cnt); /* recur right */
	return cnt;

// count number of leaf nodes
int count_Lnodes(BTREE root, int cnt)
	if (root != NULL) 
		cnt = count_Lnodes(root->left, cnt);
		cnt = count_Lnodes(root->right, cnt);
		if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) ++cnt;
	return cnt;

The place where I am getting the errors is in

BTREE makeTree(int a[], int i, int SIZE);
BTREE new_node();
BTREE init_node(DATA dat1, BTREE par1, BTREE par2);
BTREE insert(BTREE parent, BTREE root, int item);

Don't use preprocessor macros unless you know how the preprocessor works. It's all to easy to forget that it's textual replacement before anything else. So this:

#define SIZE 9
BTREE makeTree(int a[], int i, int SIZE);

Becomes this:

#define SIZE 9
BTREE makeTree(int a[], int i, int 9);

Which is a syntax error. Therefore, you can't use SIZE anywhere except where you want it replaced with 9.

Hi spitfire and Narue, i am doing some work similar to this and i am try to compile your code to study it, but having the erors you are having. Can someone help me out to fix it so that i can run it and study it.

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