This is the last part.
This is the code that sets it al together and lets the parser and scanner do some work.
Happy calculating!
Console calculator Part 3 : The calculator engine
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace ConsoleCalculator
class Program
static void WriteIntro()
Console.WriteLine(" ______");
Console.WriteLine(" /_____/ MINI CONSOLE CALCULATOR");
Console.WriteLine(" /*/*/*/");
Console.WriteLine(" /*/*/*/ Free software");
Console.WriteLine(" /*/*/*/ Danny Marivoet 2008");
Console.WriteLine(" -------");
Console.WriteLine(" ");
Console.WriteLine(" Type ? for help. ");
Console.WriteLine(" ");
static void DisplayHelp()
Console.WriteLine("Simple console expression calculator in C#");
Console.WriteLine(" ");
Console.WriteLine("Based on the Desk Calculator proposed by B. Stroustrup (see p75 of his book)");
Console.WriteLine("I added the use of functions and commands.I did the symbol tables differently.");
Console.WriteLine(" ");
Console.WriteLine("This is by far a complete implementation, but it shows the use of a recursive ");
Console.WriteLine("descent parser. Follow e.g. the action with your debugger in VS, fascinating!");
Console.WriteLine("The calculator has 3 commands : '?' shows this help,'LIST' shows a list of the");
Console.WriteLine("currently available variables and 'END' ends the application.");
Console.WriteLine("It has one function : SQRT, but feel free to add others.");
Console.WriteLine("It's easy! Really!");
Console.WriteLine("The typing of commands and functions is not case sensitive.");
Console.WriteLine("And I admit error handling could be better, but it's a start.");
Console.WriteLine("Besides calculations with +,-,* and / ,like 3.56*88 you can do things like:");
Console.WriteLine("'foo=1.5',after enter, the variable foo is stored with a value of 1.5 ");
Console.WriteLine("Next you can calculate : '6.1 - sqrt(foo)' which should give 4.87525512860841");
Console.WriteLine("Enjoy this code. It's free. Use it anyway you see fit.");
Console.WriteLine("Errors in it are also for free, but if you can find any, please let me know.");
Console.WriteLine(" ");
static void Main(string[] args)
Parser Parse = new Parser();
while (true) //loop until the END command is given
Parse.InputLine = Console.ReadLine();
Parse.curr_tok = Parse.get_token();
if (Parse.curr_tok == Parser.token_value.END) break;//leave while-loop
if (Parse.curr_tok == Parser.token_value.LIST)
continue; //with loop
if (Parse.curr_tok == Parser.token_value.HELP)
continue; //with loop
if (Parse.curr_tok == Parser.token_value.PRINT) continue; //with loop
Console.WriteLine(Parse.expr()); //write result
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