Scanner :Scanning image of a Picture control to a Rich Text Box

Vineeth K 0 Tallied Votes 330 Views Share

Hello friends i made a small program like a scanner it will scan an image file to a Rich Text Box.
My friend helped me in providing the code to access the pixels of an image.Hope you will like the code.

Try it ....

This need :

Reference files :

Visual Basic For Applications
Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures
Visual basic objects and procedures
OLE Automation


1 - Rich Text Box - Rt1
2 - One Common Dialog Control named cmd
3 - 2 Command Buttons
4 - One Picture Box &
5 - 2 HScroll s

Try to make the Picture control Atuosize to false.

Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long
Dim drawtag As String
Function Pencil(col1 As Long) As Single
  Dim R As Single
  Dim G As Single
  Dim B As Single
  R = col1 And 255
  G = (col1 And 65280) \ 256&
  B = (col1 And 16711680) \ 65535
  Pencil = (R + B + G) / 765
End Function
Function Brush(col1 As Long) As Long
  Dim R As Single
  Dim G As Single
  Dim B As Single
  R = col1 And 255
  G = (col1 And 65280) \ 256&
  B = (col1 And 16711680) \ 65535
  Brush = RGB(R, G, B)
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err
Dim Ix, Iy As Integer
Dim col1 As Long
Dim col2 As Single
Dim col3 As String

rt1.SelFontName = "Lucida Console"
rt1.SelFontSize = 2
rt1.Text = vbNewLine
rt1.Enabled = False

For Iy = 1 To HScroll1.Value
For Ix = 1 To HScroll2.Value

col1 = GetPixel(Picture1.hdc, Ix, Iy)
col2 = Pencil(col1)
col3 = Mid(drawtag, Len(drawtag) - Int(col2 * (Len(drawtag) - 1)), 1)

rt1.SelStart = Len(rt1.Text) - 2
rt1.SelLength = 1
rt1.SelText = col3
rt1.SelStart = Len(rt1.Text) - 2
rt1.SelLength = 1
rt1.SelColor = Brush(Picture1.Point(Ix + 1, Iy))

rt1.SelText = vbNewLine
rt1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim filename As String
filename = cmd.filename
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(filename)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
drawtag = "#"
End Sub
pawaninfinite 0 Newbie Poster

why can't i found u earlier

Riju Thomas 0 Newbie Poster


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