Encrypt and Decrypt with the Swap Crypt

bumsfeld 2 Tallied Votes 628 Views Share

This shows the code for one simple crypt of text by swapping two adjoining characters each. You can make that more complex if you like. Can also be used for one nice riddle.

''' crypt_swap.py
encrypt and decrypt text using the swap of 
2 adjoining characters in given text string
Python27 and Python32 work with this

def swap_crypt(s):
    this function will encrypt/decrypt string s
    # change string to mutable list of characters
    mylist = list(s)
    # iterate the list with step=2
    for k in range(0, len(mylist), 2):
        if len(mylist) > k + 1:
            # do tuple swap of 2 items each in the list
            mylist[k], mylist[k+1] = mylist[k+1], mylist[k]
    # change list back to string
    return ''.join(mylist)

str_original = 'met me tomorrow noon at the train station'
# encrypt the string
str_encrypted = swap_crypt(str_original)

print("Original string:")

print("Encrypted String:")

# decrypt the encrypted string sending it to the function again
str_decrypted = swap_crypt(str_encrypted)
print("Decrypted String:")

'''my output -->
Original string:
met me tomorrow noon at the train station
Encrypted String:
em temt moroor wonnoa  tht ertia ntstaoin
Decrypted String:
met me tomorrow noon at the train station
bumsfeld 413 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso

Here is the simple shift crypt code:

''' crypt_shift.py
encrypt and decrypt text using the shift of 
each character in given text string
uses leading period indicator for encrypted string
Python27 and Python32 work with this

def shift_crypt(text):
    if text starts with period decrypt, otherwise encrypt 
    shift ascii value of each text char by 1
    if text.startswith('.'):
        # also remove leading period        
        return ''.join(chr(ord(c) - 1) for c in text[1:])
        # add period to indicate encoded text
        return '.' + ''.join(chr(ord(c) + 1) for c in text)

str_original = 'met me tomorrow noon at the train station'
# encrypt the string
str_encrypted = shift_crypt(str_original)

print("Original string:")

print("Encrypted String:")

# decrypt the encrypted string sending it to the function again
str_decrypted = shift_crypt(str_encrypted)
print("Decrypted String:")

'''my output -->
Original string:
met me tomorrow noon at the train station
Encrypted String:
Decrypted String:
met me tomorrow noon at the train station

See if you can combine the swap and shift crypt to make it harder on hackers to decrypt.

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