Get a Python object's memory size

vegaseat 3 Tallied Votes 524 Views Share

Shows you how to get a Python object's memory size. Notice that there can be a difference between Python versions.

Tcll commented: definately useful for checking memory-hungry algorithms and optimizing them =D +2
get the size of a Python object in memory
tested with Python27 and Python33  by  vegaseat  22oct2013

import sys

mytuple = ()
mylist = []
mydict = {}
mystr = "" 
print("Size of empty tuple = {}".format(sys.getsizeof(mytuple)))
print("Size of empty list = {}".format(sys.getsizeof(mylist))) 
print("Size of empty dictionary = {}".format(sys.getsizeof(mydict))) 
print("Size of empty string = {}".format(sys.getsizeof(mystr))) 

result (Python27, 32 bit version) ...
Size of empty tuple = 28
Size of empty list = 36
Size of empty dictionary = 140
Size of empty string = 21

result (Python33, 32 bit version) ...
Size of empty tuple = 28
Size of empty list = 36
Size of empty dictionary = 148
Size of empty string = 25
woooee 814 Nearly a Posting Maven

64 bit, Python 2.7 is predictably twice the memory, except for the string???

Size of empty tuple = 56
Size of empty list = 72
Size of empty dictionary = 280
Size of empty string = 37
Nils_1 0 Newbie Poster

64 bit, Python 3.2.3:

Size of empty tuple = 28
Size of empty list = 36
Size of empty dictionary = 140
Size of empty string = 30
Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

might I suggest checking array.array() and bytearray() :)

or I will when I stop being lazy XD

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