Python Convert To/From Number Bases Between 2 and 62

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Needed a func to convert base 2 into 10, and back. Found the referenced code in this func for moving between three bases, and generalized it to between bases 2 and 62, and all in between.

Upconvert a number, then down convert, then upconvert again. Go wild, have fun.

# Imports #
from __future__ import print_function

    # Main #
def main():
        # Variables - Local

        # Main Code
    print(f_NumBaseConvert(257938572394,10,62)) ## 4XYBxik


    # Functions #
        # Normal Functions
def f_NumBaseConvert(v_Num, v_BaseFrom, v_BaseTo):
    """&&Syntax: INT or STR(for non base-10); Returns new num. as STR;
    Desc.: Converts a INT or STR "number" between two bases, up to base-62, of arbitrary digits.
    Test: print(f_NumBaseConvert(257938572394,10,62)) ## 4XYBxik"""
            # Set Digit Palette
    BASE62 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    v_DigitPaletteFrom = BASE62[0:v_BaseFrom] ## Init the digit palette for the from num.
    v_DigitPaletteTo = BASE62[0:v_BaseTo] ## Init the digit palette for the to num.

            # Convert a Negative to a Positive
    v_Negative = 0 ## Init to 0 v_Negative memo
    if str(v_Num)[0]=='-': ## If has a neg. sign in front.
        v_Num = str(v_Num)[1:] ## Use rest of v_Num after neg. sign.
        v_Negative = 1 ## Activate v_Negative memo

            # Create a Working INT From the Number
    v_WorkingINT = long(0) ## Init v_WorkingINT as long INT
    for digit in str(v_Num):
        v_WorkingINT = v_WorkingINT * len(v_DigitPaletteFrom) + v_DigitPaletteFrom.index(digit) ## Uses to increment place values as builds v_WorkingINT

            # Create New Num in Desired Base
    v_ResultNum =""
    while v_WorkingINT > 0:
        digit = v_WorkingINT % len(v_DigitPaletteTo) ## Remainder of is digit pointer
        v_ResultNum = v_DigitPaletteTo[digit] + v_ResultNum ## Conc. the new digit to the result
        v_WorkingINT /= len(v_DigitPaletteTo) ## Assign to v_WorkingINT the qoutient of div with len of v_DigitPaltetteTo

            # Replace the Neg. Sign to the Front of New Num If Needed
    if v_Negative:
        v_ResultNum = "-" + v_ResultNum

    return v_ResultNum

    # Main Loop #
if __name__ == '__main__':
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