since the forum has been quiet for a while I thought to post this program , it might start new discussions . the idea is not new but it should be interesting to starters . as usual any comments is appreciated
temperature conversion using tkinter
# this program converts the Farenheit to Celsius and vice versa
# it is tested on python 3.4
# modifications are needed to get it working on python 2.xx
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.simpledialog import askfloat , askinteger
from tkinter import messagebox
import sys
root = Tk()
root.title('temperature converter')
text = Text(root , width = 80 , height = 30)
text.config(bg = 'blue', fg = 'yellow' , font=('Arial', 12, 'bold', 'italic'))
def to_write( s):
this function will print to text widget
def cel_to_far():
this function asks for a number in Celsius
and converts it to Farenheit
clus = askfloat('Celsius','Please enter the temperature in Celsius :')
far = (clus*(9/5.0)) + 32
print('\n{} Celsius is equal to {:.1f} Farenheit '.format(clus,far) )
def far_to_cel():
this function asks for a number in Farenheit
and converts it to Celsius
far = askfloat('Farenheit','Please enter the temperature in Farenheit : ')
clus = (far - 32) * (5/9.0)
print('\n{} Farenheit is equal to {:.1f} Celsius '.format(far,clus) )
def to_exit():
this function stops the program
sys.stdout.write = to_write
while True:
result=askinteger('options',(' Farenheit to Celsius press 1',
'\n Celsius to Farenheit press 2',
'\n Exit press 3 '))
if result == 1:
elif result == 2:
elif result == 3:
elif result is None:
messagebox.showerror('wrong input','the choice should be either 1 , or 2 or 3 ')
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