hello all.
i have endured hell for the last 2 days trying to get the scores from this program being a user quiz to make it add up the scores and keep a rolling total to be presented as a total score at then end of the quiz, but i'm struggling so much....could anyone help out?
here is my code so far:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
//namespace declaration
namespace Quiz
//program start class
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SquareA sA = new SquareA("square");
RectangleA rA = new RectangleA("rectangle");
CircleA cA = new CircleA("circle");
SquareP sP = new SquareP("square");
RectangleP rP = new RectangleP("rectangle");
CircleP cP = new CircleP("rectangle");
AND and = new AND("AND gate");
OR or = new OR("OR gate");
NOT not = new NOT("not gate");
class Area
protected String name;
protected String namera;
protected String nameca;
protected int squarelength;
protected double squareArea;
protected int rectangleLength;
protected int rectangleWidth;
protected double rectangleArea;
protected int circleRadius;
protected double circleArea;
int score;
public void Print()
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the quiz! - There will be three questions to answer");
Console.WriteLine("\nThese will be based on Area, Perimeter and Logic Gates");
int score = 0;
Console.WriteLine("\nQuestion 1");
Console.WriteLine("\nIf the length of the square is {0} what is the area going to be?", squarelength);
double squareAreaIn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (squareAreaIn==squareArea)
Console.WriteLine("\nYour answer is correct, your score is now {0}",score);
Console.WriteLine("\nYour answer is incorrect, your score is now {1}",score);
public void Printr()
int score = 1;
Console.WriteLine("\nQuestion 2");
Console.WriteLine("\nIf the length of the rectangle is {0}, and the width is {1}cm what is the area going to be?",rectangleLength, rectangleWidth);
double rectangleAreaIn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (rectangleAreaIn == rectangleArea)
Console.WriteLine("\nYour answer is correct, your score is now {0}",score);
Console.WriteLine("\nYour answer is incorrect, your score is still {1}", score);
public void Printc()
int score = 2;
Console.WriteLine("\nIf the radius of a circle is {0} what is the area going to be?",circleRadius);
double circleIn = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
if (circleIn == circleArea)
Console.WriteLine("Your answer is correct, your score is now {0}",score);
Console.WriteLine("\nYour answer is incorrect, your score is still {1}", score);
class SquareA : Area
public SquareA(string n)
squarelength = 10;
squareArea = squarelength*squarelength;
name = n;
class RectangleA : Area
public RectangleA(string n)
rectangleLength = 10;
rectangleWidth = 10;
rectangleArea = rectangleLength*rectangleWidth;
namera = n;
class CircleA : Area
public CircleA(string n)
circleRadius = 5;
circleArea = (circleRadius*circleRadius)*3.14 ;
nameca = n;
class Perimeter
protected String name;
protected String namerp;
protected String namecp;
protected int squareLength;
protected int squarePerimeter;
protected int rectangleLength;
protected int rectangleWidth;
protected int rectanglePerimeter;
protected double circleDiameter;
protected double circlePerimeter;
public void Print()
Console.WriteLine("\nIf the length of a square is {0} what is the perimeter going to be?", squareLength);
int squarePerimeterIn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());if (squarePerimeterIn==squarePerimeter)
Console.WriteLine("Your answer is Correct");
public void Printr()
Console.WriteLine("If the length = {0} of a a rectangle and the lengthnis {1} what is the Perimeter?",rectangleLength, rectangleWidth);
int rectanglePerimeterIn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (rectanglePerimeterIn == rectanglePerimeter)
Console.WriteLine("Your answer is Correct");
public void Printc()
Console.WriteLine("if the diameter of the circle is {0}",circleDiameter);
int circlePerimeterIn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (circlePerimeterIn == circlePerimeter)
Console.WriteLine("Your answer is Correct");
class SquareP : Perimeter
public SquareP(string n)
squareLength = 10;
squarePerimeter = squareLength*4;
name = n;
class RectangleP : Perimeter
public RectangleP(string n)
rectangleLength = 10;
rectangleWidth = 10;
rectanglePerimeter = rectangleLength+rectangleLength+rectangleWidth+rectangleWidth;
namerp = n;
class CircleP : Perimeter
public CircleP(string n)
circleDiameter = 10;
circlePerimeter = circleDiameter*3.14;
namecp = n;
class Logic
protected String name;
protected String nameor;
protected String namenot;
protected int ANDinput1;
protected int ANDinput2;
protected int ANDanswer;
protected int ORinput1;
protected int ORinput2;
protected int ORanswer;
protected int NOTinput1;
protected int NOTanswer;
public void Print()
Console.WriteLine("if the input for a AND gate was {0} and {1}", ANDinput1,ANDinput2);
int ANDIn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (ANDIn==ANDanswer)
Console.WriteLine("Your answer is Correct");
public void Printor()
Console.WriteLine("if the input for a or gate was {0} and {1}",ORinput1, ORinput2);
int ORIn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (ORIn == ORanswer)
Console.WriteLine("Your answer is Correct");
public void Printnot()
Console.WriteLine("if the input for a not gate was {0} whats the ouput",NOTinput1);
int NOTIn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (NOTIn == NOTanswer)
Console.WriteLine("Your answer is Correct");
class AND : Logic
public AND(string n)
ANDinput1 = 1;
ANDinput2 = 0;
ANDanswer = 0;
name = n;
class OR : Logic
public OR(string n)
ORinput1 = 1;
ORinput2 = 1;
ORanswer = 1;
nameor = n;
class NOT : Logic
public NOT(string n)
NOTinput1 = 1;
NOTanswer = 0;
namenot = n;