AnthillPro Piles on Code Analysis Tools

EddieC 0 Tallied Votes 332 Views Share

Urbancode today unveiled AnthillPro 3.7, the latest version of its build and deployment automation tool that piles seven popular source code analysis tools onto its list of third-party integrations. There's also support for the GIT repository and DB2 and PostgreSQL databases, the company said today in a statement. Anthill Pro 3.7 began shipping on Sept. 15, but had not been widely announced.

Among the most significant features in 3.7 is its plug-in API, which permits organizations to build integrations with third-party or proprietary tools of their choosing, the company said. "With plug-ins, users can create, customize and rapidly update integrations," and most subsequent integrations will be implemented as plug-ins, said the company.

AnthillPro 3.7 now integrates with Checkstyle, CodeSonar, Coverity Prevent, FindBugs, Fortify 360, Klocwork Insight and PMD. The integrations allow users to detect defects earlier, enforce their code quality standards, and build quality from the beginning, the company said. Integration steps vary from product to product, so Urbancode has compiled this list of product-specific steps to get each of the source-code analyzers working. Pretty slick.

Also new is the ability to access AnthillPro from the command line, and to impersonate user agents for greater security and control of permissions given to agent scripts, according to the reports. This is a major update, as you'll see from the extensive release notes.