Hi, im currently trying to write a program which counts the characters in an input file. I need it to count the total characters, the non-blank characters and the alphabetic characters. And then show the statistics of each.
I have both the total characters and alphabetic characters working correctly but for some reason I cannot get it to count the non-blank characters using the isspace command. I used breakpoints to determine that the code is not reading the blank spaces from the input file.
Could anyone please tell me where i'm going wrong?
Here is my code:
// LabReport9Q1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
void countchars(ifstream& input, ofstream& output);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
ifstream input_stream;
if (input_stream.fail( ))
cout << "Input file opening failed.\n";
ofstream output_stream;
if (output_stream.fail())
cout << "Output file opening failed. \n";
countchars(input_stream, output_stream);
return 0;
void countchars(ifstream& input, ofstream& output)
char next;
double blanks = 0, totalnonblanks, alpha = 0, numerics = 0, total;
while (input >> next)
if (isalpha(next))
if (isdigit(next))
if (isspace(next))
total = alpha + numerics + blanks;
cout << "The total number of character occurences is: " << total << endl;
totalnonblanks = alpha + numerics;
cout << "The total number of non-blank characters is: " << totalnonblanks << endl;
cout << "The total number of alphabetic characters is: " << alpha << endl;