I read the message from the queen of the daniweb about surrounding the code with
code tags, but I did not understand the message at all.
I will enclose this code, and resend it, if necessary if some would explain the
" "
" tag dodad.
Basically i have a record with six fields; I have a function that reads from
stdin the range of record numbers, the field I want changed and the value.
I also have a function that lists the shelve and enums the indexes into
a readable info.
A third function just lists each "test" or object in the opened shelf file,
and enum- infos it into a readable form.
The problem is, if I call fill with a range of 1 to 48 or less, when listing, all is well.
If I try 1 to 49 or greater, some records get clobbered and the list function, which starts
at record one, dies on the first dead record, in most cases, "test1" the first record.
It is as if, the shelve wraps on itself at some size...
Note the list, starts 1 to N, and dies in the failure mode, but the entire record is
not squashed, because you can use the third function to read other objects, just not
the one that got clobbered:
Here is three files concatenated:(too bad you can't attach, or can you?)
you get prompts:
try 1,48
the next prompt try list
all works.
now try 1,50
the thing croaks on test1
class Interact:
print "called interact"
def __init__(self):
self.prompt ='?'
def run(self):
#print "called interact run"
while 1:
command = self.readCommand()
print "what command is it? %s" % command
if not command:
result = self.evalCommand(command)
if result:
def readCommand(self):
#print "well, i am reading a command??"
return raw_input(self.prompt)
return None
class Record:
def __init__(self, *args):
for field, default in self.fields:
#print " %s" % field
if args:
setattr(self, field, args[0])
args = args[1:]
print "init call fields %s" %self
setattr(self, field, default)
def save(testrecord):
print "save call for record = %s" % testrecord.name
name = getattr(testrecord, 'name')
import shelve
db = shelve.open('eride')
db[name] = testrecord
def basic(self):
result = []
for field, default in self.fields:
result.append((field, getattr(self, field)))
return result
def extra(self):
result = []
for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
for field, default in self.fields:
if field == attr: break
result.append((attr, getattr(self, attr)))
return result
def info(self):
return (self.basic(), self.extra())
class Test(Record):
fields = [ ('name',''), ('fmask',0), ('bmask',0), ('cdesrc',0), ('rfsrc',0), ('sersrc',0), ('notes','na') ]
import sys
import string
import shelve
from Int import Interact
from types import *
from test0 import Test
from enum import Enum
#choices are 26,27,52
bmask = Enum('38400','57600','115200','230400')
fmask = Enum('26','27','52')
cdesel = Enum('def','oscval','baudrate')
#GLOBALLY set test file
##set the test file here
class TestPak(Interact):
def __init__(self):
self.prompt = "tool ? [(f)illfield,(l)ist,(t)estcontents, (s)op] "
#print "where did the prompt go?? %s " % self.prompt
def evalCommand(self, name):
#print "did we ever get to eval command?"
if name[0] == 'f':
elif name[0] =='l':
elif name[0] =='t':
elif name[0]=='s':
return 1
print "what? try again"
def fillfield(self):
db = shelve.open(testfile)
print "input low,high indices of tests whose field you want to fill in"
low,high = string.split(sys.stdin.readline(),',')
lo = string.atoi(low)
hi = string.atoi(high)
field,val = string.split(raw_input("field,value?" ),',')
if field =='name' or field =='notes':
value = val
value = string.atoi(val)
print "input fieldname,value"
for i in range(lo,(hi+1)):
testname = "test%s" % i
object = db[testname]
#fill with default settings if no testname in file
object = Test()
object.__dict__['name']= "%s" % testname
object.__dict__[field] =value
print "call save of test %s value %s" % (testname,value)
print object.info()
def list(self):
import shelve
db = shelve.open(testfile)
cnt = 1
while 1:
name = getattr(db["%s" % ('test'+`cnt`)],'name')
print "escaped on %s" % ('test'+`cnt`)
print db[name].info()
cnt = cnt +1
def listtest(self):
import shelve
db = shelve.open(testfile)
test = raw_input("test name? ")
object = db[test]
sys.stderr.write("no record of this name : %s in file : %s " % (test,testfile))
print db[test].info()
if __name__== '__main__': TestPak().run()
Editor's note:
for Python on Daniweb:
Please use the [code=python] and [/code] tag pair to enclose your python code.
Please use the [code] and [/code] tag pair to enclose your code.