hello i have this code

int  main ()

               char * arrP1 [ ] = { "father", "mother", NULL},
                         * arrP2 [ ] = { "sister", "brother", "grandfather", NULL }, 
                       * arrP3 [ ] = { "grandmother", NULL},
                       * arrP4 [ ] = { "uncle", "aunt", NULL };
                   char ** arrPP [ ] = { arrP1, arrP2, arrP3, arrP4 , NULL};   

               printAllStrings( arrPP );

i am trying to pass arrPP as a parameter :

void printAllStrings ( char **A[] ) {


i am getting a warning error :
passing arg1 from incompatible pointer type .

what should i do ?

I just compiled it ok, but I put printAllStrings() at the top of the file before main()

the problem is that the function printAllStrings()
is on a different file.
the function is on one file
and i included this files header in my main

i had a problem in my header file
thank you very much

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