I'm stuck because I recieve these errors when I try to compile -

pim.cpp: In method void PIM::search(class basic_string<char,string_char_traits<char>,__default_alloc_template<false,0> >)': pim.cpp:101: memberfirstname' is a private member of class Person' pim.cpp:101: memberlastname' is a private member of class Person' pim.cpp:105: no matching function for call toPIM::print (Person &)'
pim.cpp:47: candidates are: PIM::print(char)
pim.cpp: In method void PIM::save()': pim.cpp:137: no matching function for call toPerson::save ()'
pim.cpp:112: candidates are: Person::save(ofstream &)
pim.cpp: In method void PIM::sort(char)': pim.cpp:166: warning: implicit declaration of functionint isOutOfOrder(...)'
pim.cpp:166: warning: cannot pass objects of type Person' through...'
pim.cpp:167: parse error before `{'
pim.cpp:175: confused by earlier errors, bailing out

using namespace std;

struct Date
  int month, day, year;

struct Address
  string street, city, state, zipcode;

class Person
  string firstname, lastname, homephone, mobilephone, email;
  Address address;
  Date birthdate;
  string getFirstName() { return firstname; }
  string getLastName() { return lastname; }
  void load(ifstream& infile);
  void save(ofstream& outfile);
  void enter();
  void print();
  bool isOutOfOrder(Person p, char field);

#define PIM_SIZE 100
class PIM
  Person contacts[PIM_SIZE];
  int numContacts;
  void sort(char field);
  void load();
  void save();
  void add(Person p);
  void search(string name);
  void print(char field);

void Person::enter()
  cin.ignore (100,'\n');
  cout << "\nEnter first name: ";
  getline(cin, firstname);
  cout << "Enter last name: ";
  getline(cin, lastname);
  cout << "Enter street: ";
  getline(cin, address.street);
  cout << "Enter city: ";
  getline(cin, address.city);
  cout << "Enter state: ";
  getline(cin, address.state);
  cout << "Enter zip code: ";
  getline(cin, address.zipcode);
  cout << "Enter home phone: ";
  getline(cin, homephone);
  cout << "Enter mobile phone: ";
  getline(cin, mobilephone);
  cout << "Enter email: ";
  getline(cin, email);
  cout << "Enter birth month: ";
  cin >> birthdate.month;
  cout << "Enter birth day: ";
  cin >> birthdate.day;
  cout << "Enter birth year: ";
  cin >> birthdate.year;

void Person::print()
  cout << firstname << " " << lastname << endl;
  cout << address.street <<endl;
  cout << address.city <<", "
       << address.state
       << " " << address.zipcode <<endl;
  cout << "Home: " << homephone << " "
       << "Mobile: " << mobilephone << endl;
  cout << email << endl;
  cout << "Birthday: " << birthdate.month << "/"
       << birthdate.day << "/"
       << birthdate.year << endl;

void PIM::search(string name)
  int matches = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++)
      if ((contacts[i].firstname == name) || (contacts[i].lastname == name))
  cout << "\nContact " << (i + 1) << ":" << endl;
cout << "\nTotal number of matching contacts: " << matches << endl;

void Person::save(ofstream& outfile)
outfile << firstname << endl;
outfile << lastname << endl;

outfile << address.street <<endl;
outfile << address.city <<endl
<< address.state <<endl
<< address.zipcode <<endl;
outfile << homephone << endl
<< mobilephone << endl;
outfile << email << endl;
outfile << birthdate.month << endl
<< birthdate.day << endl
<< birthdate.year << endl;


void PIM::save()
  ofstream outfile;
  outfile << numContacts << endl;

  for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++)

bool Person::isOutOfOrder(Person p, char field)
  if (field == 'F')
      return (firstname < p.firstname); 
      return (lastname < p.lastname);

void PIM::sort(char field)
  Person temp;
  int minIndex;

  for (int i=0; i < numContacts-1; i++)
      minIndex = i;
      for (int j=i+1; j < numContacts; j++)
          if (isOutOfOrder(contacts[j],field)

          temp = contacts[i];


  void PIM::print(char field)


      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
          cout << "\nContact " << (i + 1) << ":" << endl;
      cout << "\nTotal number of contacts: " << count << endl;

  int main()
      int numContacts = 0;
      int arraySize = 100; //always have space for extra 100 contacts
      PIM contacts;

      ifstream infile;

      if (!infile.fail())
          infile >> numContacts;


      if (!infile.fail())

          for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++)

      cout << "Personal information manager\n";
      string choice;
      int contactNum;

      cout << "\nA = Add contact" << endl;
      cout << "S = Search for contact" << endl;
      cout << "P = Print contacts" << endl; 
      cout << "X = Exit" << endl;
      cout << "\nEnter choice: ";
      cin >> choice;
      if (choice == "A" || choice == "a" )
          pim.contacts[numOfContacts] = save();
      else if (choice == "S" || choice == "s") 
          cout << "\nEnter first or last name to find: ";
          cin >> name;
      else if (choice == "P" || choice == "p")
          cout << "\nSort list by [F]irst or [L]ast name: ";
          cin >> field;
      else if (choice!= "X" && choice != "x")
          cout << "Invalide choice!\n";
  while (choice != "X" && choice != "x");

  saveContacts(contacts, numContacts);
  cout << "\nContact information saved.\n";

  return 0;

  string Person::getFirstName()
      return firstname;

  string Person::getLastName()
      return lastname;

  void Person::load(ifstream& infile)
      getline(infile, firstname);
      getline(infile, lastname);
      getline(infile, address.street);
      getline(infile, address.city);
      getline(infile, address.state);
      getline(infile, address.zipcode);
      getline(infile, homephone);
      getline(infile, mobilephone);
      getline(infile, email);
      infile >> birthdate.month;
      infile >> birthdate.day;
      infile >> birthdate.year;

Please let me know what to do without changing any of the classes(PIM or Person)

The error messages are pretty clear:

pim.cpp: In method `void PIM::search(class basic_string<char,string_char_traits<char>,__default_alloc_template<false,0> >)':
pim.cpp:101: member `firstname' is a private member of class `Person'
pim.cpp:101: member `lastname' is a private member of class `Person'

These mean you cannot directly access the first/last name members, use the get____ methods you created.

pim.cpp:105: no matching function for call to `PIM::print (Person &)'
pim.cpp:47: candidates are: PIM::print(char)

Your PIM::print method take a single char as its argument - should it be taking a Person instead?

pim.cpp: In method `void PIM::save()':
pim.cpp:137: no matching function for call to `Person::save ()'
pim.cpp:112: candidates are: Person::save(ofstream &)

Again, a mismatch of parameters (or lack thereof)

pim.cpp: In method `void PIM::sort(char)':
pim.cpp:166: warning: implicit declaration of function `int isOutOfOrder(...)'
pim.cpp:166: warning: cannot pass objects of type `Person' through `...'

Again, what is (char field) doing as a parameter? Function isOutOfOrder(),needs to be called as a method with a particular person.

pim.cpp:175: confused by earlier errors, bailing out

So would I.

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