who can help me to derive this C++ codes to VB that can draw the triangle


 float a,b,c,S,D,A,B,C,Area,R;
 printf("Enter the lengths of the three sides of the triangle :


 S = (a+b+c)/2.0;        // S is the semiperimeter of the triangle
 D = S*(S-a)*(S-b)*(S-c);//D is the square of the area of the triangle
The triangle cannot be formed");

 if((a==b || b==c || c==a) && !(a==b && b==c && c==a))
// this complex logic is to eliminate interpretting a triangle with all
// sides equal as both isosceles and equilateral.
The triangle is ISOSCELES

 if(a==b && b==c && c==a)
The triangle is EQUILATERAL

 if(a!=b && b!=c && c!=a)
The triangle is SCALENE


 Area = sqrt(D);
 R = (a*b*c)/(4.0*Area);
 printf("PERIMETER     = %.2f units
 printf("AREA          = %.2f sq.units
 printf("CIRCUM RADIUS = %.2f units
// using sine rule,we get...
 A = (180.0/3.1415926)*asin(a/(2.0*R));//  value of pi should be upto 7
 B = (180.0/3.1415926)*asin(b/(2.0*R));//  decimal places of accuracy and
 C = (180.0/3.1415926)*asin(c/(2.0*R));//  note that the 7th decimal place
		 		 		 		        //  6 and not 7 as it had to be if were
 if(A==90.0 || B==90.0 || C==90.0)     //  approximated to 7 decimal
The triangle is RIGHT ANGLED
 if(A<90.0 && B<90.0 && C<90.0)
The triangle is ACUTE ANGLED
 if(A>90.0 || B>90.0 || C>90.0)
The triangle is OBTUSE ANGLED

The angles are as follows :

 printf("A = %.2f degrees
 printf("B = %.2f degrees
 printf("C = %.2f degrees
Where A,B,C stand for angles opposite to sides
 printf(" respectively

 return 0;

That's not c++. That's c.

You declare floats as double or single in VB, int as long or integer.

I would use text boxes for user input. And then I would suggest using code in a command button click event to draw the lines of your triangle.

You don't have to add any special math headers as in C, just use the cos, sin, tan, etc functions: they are already loaded.

All the logic shown in this simple c program can be performed using:

if ( ... conditional statements) then
' statements
' statements

[object.]Line [(x1, y1)]–(x2, y2)[, color]
Will draw the lines of the triangle.

You can use the msgbox function to replace your printf functions. And you might use text input boxes to replace the use of the scanf function in C.

Imports System

Private Shared Function Main() As Integer
Dim a As Single
Dim b As Single
Dim c As Single
Dim S As Single
Dim D As Single
Dim A As Single
Dim B As Single
Dim C As Single
Dim Area As Single
Dim R As Single
Console.Write("Enter the lengths of the three sides of the triangle : ")
scanf("%f%f%f", a, b, c)

S = (a+b+c)/2.0 ' S is the semiperimeter of the triangle
D = S*(S-a)*(S-b)*(S-c) 'D is the square of the area of the triangle
If D<=0 Then
Console.Write(" The triangle cannot be formed")
End If

If (a =b OrElse b =c OrElse c =a) AndAlso Not(a =b AndAlso b =c AndAlso c =a) Then
' this complex logic is to eliminate interpretting a triangle with all
' sides equal as both isosceles and equilateral.
Dim printf As three = New three(" The triangle is ISOSCELES ")
End If
If a =b AndAlso b =c AndAlso c =a Then
Console.Write(" The triangle is EQUILATERAL ")
End If
If a<>b AndAlso b<>c AndAlso c<>a Then
Console.Write(" The triangle is SCALENE ")
End If

Area = Math.Sqrt(D)
R = (a *b *c)/(4.0 *Area)
Console.Write("PERIMETER = {0:f2} units ",(2.0 *S))
Console.Write("AREA = {0:f2} sq.units ",Area)
Console.Write("CIRCUM RADIUS = {0:f2} units ",R)
' using sine rule,we get...
A = (180.0/3.1415926)*Math.Asin(a/(2.0 *R)) ' value of pi should be upto 7
B = (180.0/3.1415926)*Math.Asin(b/(2.0 *R)) ' decimal places of accuracy and
Dim C As also = (180.0/3.1415926)*Math.Asin(c/(2.0 *R)) ' note that the 7th decimal place
' 6 and not 7 as it had to be if were
If A =90.0 OrElse B =90.0 OrElse C =90.0 Then ' approximated to 7 decimal
Dim printf As places = New places(" The triangle is RIGHT ANGLED ")
End If
If A<90.0 AndAlso B<90.0 AndAlso C<90.0 Then
Console.Write(" The triangle is ACUTE ANGLED ")
End If
If A>90.0 OrElse B>90.0 OrElse C>90.0 Then
Console.Write(" The triangle is OBTUSE ANGLED ")
End If

Console.Write(" The angles are as follows : ")
Console.Write("A = {0:f2} degrees ",A)
Console.Write("B = {0:f2} degrees ",B)
Console.Write("C = {0:f2} degrees ",C)
Console.Write(" Where A,B,C stand for angles opposite to sides {0:f2},{1:f2},{2:f2}",a,b,c)
Console.Write(" respectively ")

Return 0
End Function
Private Shared Function Main() As Integer
Dim a As Single
Dim b As Single
Dim c As Single
Dim S As Single
Dim D As Single
Dim A As Single
Dim B As Single
Dim C As Single
Dim Area As Single
Dim R As Single
Console.Write("Enter the lengths of the three sides of the triangle : ")
scanf("%f%f%f", a, b, c)

S = (a+b+c)/2.0 ' S is the semiperimeter of the triangle
D = S*(S-a)*(S-b)*(S-c) 'D is the square of the area of the triangle
If D<=0 Then
Console.Write(" The triangle cannot be formed")
End If

If (a =b OrElse b =c OrElse c =a) AndAlso Not(a =b AndAlso b =c AndAlso c =a) Then
' this complex logic is to eliminate interpretting a triangle with all
' sides equal as both isosceles and equilateral.
Dim printf As three = New three(" The triangle is ISOSCELES ")
End If
If a =b AndAlso b =c AndAlso c =a Then
Console.Write(" The triangle is EQUILATERAL ")
End If
If a<>b AndAlso b<>c AndAlso c<>a Then
Console.Write(" The triangle is SCALENE ")
End If

Area = Math.Sqrt(D)
R = (a *b *c)/(4.0 *Area)
Console.Write("PERIMETER = {0:f2} units ",(2.0 *S))
Console.Write("AREA = {0:f2} sq.units ",Area)
Console.Write("CIRCUM RADIUS = {0:f2} units ",R)
' using sine rule,we get...
A = (180.0/3.1415926)*Math.Asin(a/(2.0 *R)) ' value of pi should be upto 7
B = (180.0/3.1415926)*Math.Asin(b/(2.0 *R)) ' decimal places of accuracy and
Dim C As also = (180.0/3.1415926)*Math.Asin(c/(2.0 *R)) ' note that the 7th decimal place
' 6 and not 7 as it had to be if were
If A =90.0 OrElse B =90.0 OrElse C =90.0 Then ' approximated to 7 decimal
Dim printf As places = New places(" The triangle is RIGHT ANGLED ")
End If
If A<90.0 AndAlso B<90.0 AndAlso C<90.0 Then
Console.Write(" The triangle is ACUTE ANGLED ")
End If
If A>90.0 OrElse B>90.0 OrElse C>90.0 Then
Console.Write(" The triangle is OBTUSE ANGLED ")
End If

Console.Write(" The angles are as follows : ")
Console.Write("A = {0:f2} degrees ",A)
Console.Write("B = {0:f2} degrees ",B)
Console.Write("C = {0:f2} degrees ",C)
Console.Write(" Where A,B,C stand for angles opposite to sides {0:f2},{1:f2},{2:f2}",a,b,c)
Console.Write(" respectively ")

Return 0
End Function

tnx for diz but how bout d drawing

im sorry that was c not c++ (lol)

who can encode this to a vb den attach to ur post tnx

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