Hi everyone, i need to write a code with mips assembly that works on a string given by a user (command line input).
The code is supposed to search another given string in that string. There is a problem in my mind, in mips is there any instruction that search a string in another one, i mean without comparison byte by byte or chra by char. Also, i don't know how can i goto at a specific location on that string, for example to reach 12th character of the given string if i have the string like that:
.globl main
subu $sp, $sp,4
sw $ra,0($sp)
li $v0, 8 # Read string.
la $a0, buf # Buffer
li $a1, 256 # Length of buffer
# Space for the input string.
buf: .space 256
I gave "the string & the string" as input and how can i reach/get 12th character?
Thanks in advance...