
How to know if there is any version of Java installed on the user PC and what revision, using JavaScript

thank you

You cannot run any system related command using java script..... java script doesnot need jvm to be installed ...

Kindly run your DOS prompt, ie command.com then in the DOS type javac the press enter.
if java is installed it will show the syntax and some valid commands :mrgreen:

and you can type jview in dos prompt to see if microsoft jvm is installed ...

i just put java on my computer and how do i know if i did it the right way i go to my control panel and go to advanced and click on the internet that i do have for it to work and its still not working

i just put java on my computer and how do i know if i did it the right way i go to my control panel and go to advanced and click on the internet that i do have for it to work and its still not working

It depends. Are you talking about the Java Runtime Environment (the program used to open Java files online) or are you talking about the Java Development Kit (used to create Java programs and applets)?

Actually yes their is a way to check if a user has java installed :), but unfortunately I dont know a way to put out a command if they do not have java installed. But if I find one I will post it.

Here you go..

<script> document.write(new String("<b>Great! it looks like you have java!</b>"),alert('yay it looks like you have java installed!'),window.close()); </script>

Happy Scripting :D

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