struct link
	char name[50];
	int value;
	link* next;

class linklist
private :
	link* first;		// ilk baglantiyi tutar
	void additem(int d,char a[]);
	void display();

void linklist::additem(int d,char a[])
	link* newlink=new link;

this is my link list class and what i want to do after adding some nodes, i want to find and exact node using the name kept in node and change its value.
For example
1st nodes name=abc , value=1
2nd nodes name =xyz, value=5
3rd nodes name =anothername, value=40

and i want to write a function or a simple loop that finds node by its name and change its value.Ill be very happy if anyone will help.

do you know how to search a linked list by using the next pointer? If you do, then its just call strcmp() on every loop iteration to find the desired node.

Am I going to do this for you? Answer: No.


i have tried this but it didnt work sadly

i see that i forgot to declare a newlink pointer of link* type and when i do that it works fine , thanks for your kind answer

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