I using window Vista home premium(32 bit)
and I cannot use python after I save a file once
I get the following error messages
"socket connection error"
"IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal fire wall software is blocking the connection"

I have to restart the computer everytime I need to run the program the second time

Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it

I don't have Vista, so I can't exactly identify what part of the OS is giving you the problem.

IDLE uses a feedback loop socket. This is a weird thing to do, so antivirus and internet access filters (like ZoneAlarm and the like) complain. Vista has a lot of protocol built-in about what can connect to the internet and how. Even though IDLE isn't actually dialing out...

Find your internet connection wizard/control panel/whatever Vista uses and make sure that IDLE is permitted to access the internet any way it darn well pleases...

Hope this helps.

Another suggestion would be not to use the IDLE IDE but something like the popular DrPython IDE (needs wxPython) or the PyScripter IDE.

Another suggestion would be not to use the IDLE IDE but something like the popular DrPython IDE (needs wxPython) or the PyScripter IDE.

I agree, IDLE is a leftover from the early days of Python and is still in the Python distribution. It has some issues with some of the Vista settings, even though on my Vista computer I got it to work once or twice after many initial problems.

To me the DrPython IDE has always been the most stable.

I used IDLE when I first started working with Python but quickly moved on to try other programs. For some reason I had problems opening up IDLE on my PC but installations I made on other PCs worked fine. Probably some weird setting in Windows. I tried several alternatives but found PyScripter to be my favorite. I have managed to crash it a few times, usually my fault, but it has been easy to use. I am relatively new to Python so there may be better options out there.


I feel like a total geek. I always use python straight from the command-line.

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