hi, I am doing a lab assignment for my C++ class and it wants us to use serveral pointer indirections for each variable. The program runs but then crashs and it seems to occur during the second iteration of a for loop in the arrayGet function. I'm not sure why, something to do with "Access violation reading location".
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
bool vectorGet(vector<string> ****);
bool arrayGet(string ***, vector<string> ****);
int main()
vector<string> ****p;
string ***r;
p = new vector<string> ***;
r = new string **;
for(int x = 0; x < (*(*(*p)))->size(); x++)
cout << (*(*(*(*p))))[x] <<endl;
arrayGet(r, p);
for(int y = 0; y < (*(*(*p)))->size(); y++)
cout << *(*r)[y] <<endl;
delete *(*(*p));
delete *(*p);
delete *p;
delete p;
delete *(*r);
delete *r;
delete r;
bool vectorGet(vector<string> ****p)
*p = new vector<string> **;
*(*p) = new vector<string> *;
*(*(*p)) = new vector<string>;
string temp;
fstream document("TopicAin.txt");
while(!document.eof() )
getline(document, temp);
return true;
bool arrayGet(string ***r, vector<string> ****p)
*r = new string *;
*(*r) = new string[(*(*(*p)))->size()];
for(int y = 0; y < (*(*(*p)))->size(); y++)
*(*r)[y] = (*(*(*(*p))))[y]; //crash happens here
return true;
The program reads from a file and fills up the vector then copies the vector to a array and then prints out both variables.
Any help would be great, thanks