Help me if you can please ???
Got so far on my project and know gone brain dead!!
Project is for company called Zenith Paints ( please someone reconise this)
(The first program in the Visual C++ project is a validation program. You are required to validate three different types of records held on a single transaction file. Any records found to be invalid are to be written to an error report, all valid records will be written to a valid file held on disk. All the possible validation tests have been listed below.
The Record type needs to be validated on ALL records. If the record type is invalid (i.e. not ‘I’, ‘R’, ‘D’ or ‘C’) then the record should be written directly to the printed report. You may wish to test the length and break the details into the fields of the closest record type. This is acceptable but not mandatory)
Does this ring any bells with you? I have soted the structure side of the program but need to work out the modulus 11 checkdigit part next .
Any help would be top !!! :rolleyes: