I figured it out! Huzzah!
In order to grab data from cells of an excel spreadsheet from an outside excel app into PPT WORD, or other office apps, jam that data into a custom class and jam that into an array of CustomClas type you do the following:
Public permList() As CustmClas
Function GetDataFromXL()
Dim sFileName As String
Dim srcWb As Object 'the source workbook file
Dim curEnt As New CustmClas
Dim weDone As Boolean
'For parsiing the line into separate strings
Dim lineCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
lineCount = 1
weDone = False
' edit this:
' does the file exist? simpleminded test:
If Len(Dir$(sFileName)) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You didn't input a file at all. Please make sure the package was unzipped to the C: drive directly")
Exit Function
End If
'Essentially opens the excel workbook to powerpoint's (or other office apps) eyes
Set srcWb = ApExcel.Workbooks.Open(REPORT_DATA_FILE) 'add a new workbook to the application excel
'while not at the end of the file
Do While weDone = False
'This is crucial to set it to nothing here. It overwrites to the last value
'in every array position if you don't
Set curEnt = Nothing
'up the line counter to one (we use this for the dynamic array's size)
're dimension preserve the array to up its size by 1 more in prep for a new item
'as well as keep all the items its accumulated so far
'easiest delimeter for the excels end
If srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 1).value = "$$$$$" Then
weDone = True
End If
ReDim Preserve permList(lineCount - 1) As CustmClas
curEnt.Response = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 1).value
curEnt.Category = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 2).value
curEnt.SubCat = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 3).value
curEnt.Title = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 4).value
curEnt.Id = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 5).value
curEnt.Enttlmnt = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 6).value
curEnt.EntType = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 7).value
'important for object arrays
Set permList(lineCount - 1) = curEnt
lineCount = lineCount + 1
Loop ' we've reached the end of the file now
'do crap with array permList
'don't forget to clean up your garbage. Nobody likes a hog
End Function
Sub NAR(ByVal o As Object)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (o)
o = Nothing
End Sub
Sub CloseAll()
Erase permList
NAR (OjbWb)
NAR (ApExcel)
End Sub
The reason primarily why I ask for help is to see if I can get a push in the right direction without having to scour the internet for solutions (which are surprisingly hard to find as most questions are so specific to each person's problem, this one being no exception) Anywho, I figure when I find the solution myself I should share it with the world, so here is my solution this problem in VBA coding of Macros for another office app.