I am trying to make a program that already have a picture in it(picturebox) and finds the brightest pixel and labels them(label)
I am programming in Microsoft Visual C++ Express edition if that helps at all


Bumping your thread is extremely rude. It's a great way to get people to completely ignore you.

I won't do it again, NOW, lets get back to the subject.
Anyonw know how to do this?

Be patient. When someone who knows how to do it and is interested enough to help you comes along, you'll get an answer.

Yea well,
Im not THAT patient..

> When someone who knows how to do it and is interested enough to help you comes along
I read it yesterday, but I wasn't interested enough to answer.

I read it again today, and I'm rapidly losing the will to care, what with all the bumping.

> and finds the brightest pixel and labels them(label)
So what's the problem?
- how to read a pixel?
- how to determine how bright it is?
- how to label it?

>I read it yesterday, but I wasn't interested enough to answer.
>I read it again today, and I'm rapidly losing the will to care, what with all the bumping.
You know, I had the exact same reaction. I care so little that I'm not even going to pretend that I don't know how to solve the OP's problem.

- how to read a pixel?
- how to determine how bright it is?
- how to label it?
Yea.. basicly

So in other words, you don't know how to do anything and you want us to do your work for you?

Yea.. basicly ;-)

No, i want you to explain to me how to find a pixel closest to white or someother color...
Yes, i really don't know anything about graphics and pixels in MSVC++!!

I don't think there is such a thing as pixel brightness -- its eather color X or its color Y. There are hundreds of different shades of each color but I don't think they all have the same brightness unlike the old ancient MS-DOS color scheme.

But I could be completly wrong about that too.

Hmmm... maybe i could research on the colors again(RGB 1-255) and find out which color(1-255,1-255,1-255) i need... then i find that pixel that is closest to it =)

Hey ppl please help me to...i also hav the same prob...how to find d brightest pixel is d hurdle....

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