#include <fstream>  
#include <iostream> 
#include <string>   

using namespace std; 

string getFileName(); 
int numCharsInFile( ifstream &in, int &nLines ); 
int numWordsInFile( ifstream &in, int &nWords ); 

main ()
    int nLines,          

    ifstream textFile; 
    string fileName; 
    fileName = getFileName(); 

        cerr << "Cannot open file: " << fileName << endl << endl;
        exit (0);
    nWords = numWordsInFile( textFile, nWords); 
    nChar = numCharsInFile( textFile, nLines ); 
    avgCPL = nChar / nLines; 

    cout << "Number of Words: " << fileName<< " is = " << nWords << endl;
    cout << "Number of characters: " << fileName<< " is = " << nChar << endl;
    cout << "Number of lines: " << fileName<< " is = " << nLines<<endl;
    cout << "Average characters per line: "<< fileName << " is: " << avgCPL << endl;

string getFileName()
    string fileName; 
    cout << "Please enter file name of the input text file (i.e. including the path): ";
    cin >> fileName; 
    cout << endl; 

    return fileName;

int numCharsInFile(ifstream &in,int &nLines )
    int nChar = 0; 
    char ch; 
    nLines = 0; 

    while (in.get(ch)) 
         if (ch != ' ' )
            if(ch != '\n')
    return nChar; 

int numWordsInFile( ifstream &in, int &nWords)
    in.seekg(0, ios_base::beg); 
    int numWords = 0 ; 
    char ch; 
    while (in.get(ch)) 
        if ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t' ) 
   return numWords; 

Clarify "it does not run". Does it seg fault, or is it getting "stuck" (appears to be doing nothing), or something else?

when i run it...

i input the file name "sample.txt"

then poof

a windows debug window appears and when i click close it just close the app doing nothing..

Just start with some standard debugging. Comment out the entire code and run it. If that is successful, uncomment out a little and run it again, uncomment a little more and run it again, etc. until you get an error. After doing that you will know in what line of code your error lies, and you can try to take care of it.

i got the error in this part...

string getFileName()
    string fileName; 
    cout << "Please enter file name of the input text file (i.e. including the path): ";
    cin >> fileName; 
    cout << endl; 

    return fileName;

but i don't see any errors in that part... im wondering now...

well i am an idiot so dont believe anything i have to say.
i copy and pasted your code and used basically an essay i wrote last term... what your numCharsInFile function returned was:
0 for nChar
0 for nLine

therefore avgCPL = nChar / nLines; is 0/0 which is illegal..
i didnt get an error where you got one though...

read the windows error message if it says: Integer division by zero. then i helped. if not i suck major balls

without trying to understand the logic i can tell u a few things ..

> change 'main' to 'int main'

nWords = numWordsInFile( textFile, nWords);
numWordsInFile( textFile, nWords);
int numWordsInFile( ifstream &in, int &nWords)
void numWordsInFile( ifstream &in, int &nWords);

as here you'r passing nWords by reference so you dont need to return anything from this function, nWords will automatically have the calculated value as its a reference.

similary for the other function also.

3> no need to create local variables in these functions, manipulate the reference directly.

thank you so much! my problem is solved! thank you so much everyone!!!

What was the culprit?

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