my prof told me to make my thesis system encrypt all that i save on it (on the add/save part of
a file maintenance) ... thats all he said,
ive seen something like this, but cnt remember...
can any1 help me on making a program that when ever i save a data to a database(using VB)
that data will be encrypt?? or some what be jumbled??
my only idea for this is using the ..... hmmm, changing the keydown sumthing of each letter i write when saving it to a database,
i try to save the word "MYNAME" on a database
then when i open the database
instead "MYNAME" is there
i will see sumthing like "SJWCNZ" (it changes the letter/or somewhat jumbled)
pls help me, i wanna learn how to make this,
thx a million for those who's willing to share :icon_razz: