Hi everyone,
I have to write a code that finds and prints all prime numbers from 2 to whatever number the user inputs, be it 10 or 10,000. So far what i have is this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n,p,t,limit;
	cout<<"input the limit:";
	//outer Loop begins
	cout<<"The prime numbers are:"<<endl;
	for(n=2;n<=limit;n++){//begin outer loop
		//check number for prime number
		for(p=1;p<=n/2;p++){//inner loop
		if (n%p!=0)
		}//end of inner loop
	}//end of outer loop

the only problem is that so far, it only counts the numbers from 2 to what was inputed. Could you help me fix this? Please keep in mind this is the first class I have ever taken that deals with this subject matter, so i wont understand something that's above my level.

Note that in C++ the == operator is for comparison, = is for assignment.

I redid that part, and initiated t=1 in the second for loop. It prints the prime numbers 5 and 7, but then it prints 8 through the inputed number.
What i think is wrong is that the if statement (n%p!=0) stops as soon as p comes upon a number that satisfies it, instead of running through all the numbers until p=n/2. What do i do to fix this?

- p should start from 2
-inner loop should break if remainder == 0, else it is a prime no.

how do i insert the break? I cant seem to find how to do it in the book i bought.

I inserted the break so the code looks like this now:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n,p,t,limit;
	cout<<"input the limit:";
	//outer Loop begins
	cout<<"The prime numbers are:"<<endl;
	for(n=2;n<=limit;n++){//begin outer loop
		//check number for prime number
		for(p=2,t=1;p<=n/2;p++){//inner loop
		if (n%p!=0)
		}//end of inner loop
	}//end of outer loop

The only problem is that it prints out all odd numbers now, instead of just the prime numbers. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

        if (n%p==0)
    if(!t) cout<<n<<endl;

Thank you everyone, you were a tremendous help. If it had not been for your help i probably would still be stuck trying to get the code to work.

have you tried running his program yet? thanks you really solved my problem, though I really hate asking for help I admit my frailties,, hehe....thanks a lot.

maybe you can add:   if(t==n && t==1){

just a thought....

have you tried running his program yet? thanks you really solved my problem, though I really hate asking for help I admit my frailties,, hehe....thanks a lot.

maybe you can add: if(t=n && t=1){

just a thought....

maybe the first one you did, was it! you just need to add a few touch ups...

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