I'm getting 3 unresolved external symbol errors. I think it's probably syntax but I can't seem to find it. This is a class I was supposed to write based on the professors specifications. The header and implementation file are mine, while the driver file cannot be edited for this assignment.
I spent an hour looking at syntax, but I can't seem to find it. Can anyone tell me? I'm also not worried about logic errors at the moment becuase I haven't got it to compile yet.
I have to leave for a while but I'll leave this on my computer for when I get back (2-3 hours).
Also, I believe in.open(FileName) won't work. (FileName is a string variable) What should I do for that.
This is the header file Password.h
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#ifndef PASSWORD
#define PASSWORD
class Password {
string FileName, EncryptionKey, UserID;
int EncryptedPass[5];
void Encrypt(const string& p, int a[], const string& key);
string Decrypt(int a[], const string& key);
Password(string adminPW);
void NewPW(string adminPW, string userID, string pw, int & errorCode);
bool VerifyPW(string adminPW, string userID, string pw, int & errorCode);
this is the implementation file Password.cpp
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include "Password.h"
using namespace std;
/* Purpose: To encrypt a password.
Precondition: The first parameter is the password to encrypt.
Postcondition: The second parameter will be your encrypted password. */
void Password::Encrypt(const string& p, int a[], const string& key)
{ for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); i++)
a[i] = int(p[i]) + int(key[i]);
/* Purpose: To Decrypt a password.
Precondition: The 2nd parameter must be an int array of 6.
Postcondition: The decrypted password is returned */
string Password::Decrypt(int a[], const string& key)
{ string s;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
s += char(a[i] - key[i]);
return s;
//Default Constructor
{ FileName = "pw.txt";
EncryptionKey = "#!2>eB";
UserID = "petn";
Encrypt("ADMINP", EncryptedPass, EncryptionKey);
//Explicit Value Constructor
Password::Password(string pw)
{ FileName = "pw.txt";
EncryptionKey = "#!2>eB";
UserID = "petn";
Encrypt(pw, EncryptedPass, EncryptionKey);
/* Purpose:
Postcondtition: */
void Password::NewPW(string adminPW, string userID, string pw, int & errorCode)
{ ifstream in;
ofstream out;
string check;
int EuserPW[6];
if (pw.length() == 6)
{ errorCode = 3;
if (adminPW == Decrypt(EncryptedPass, EncryptionKey))
{ in.open(FileName);
if (in.fail())
{ cerr << "ERROR!!! Input file failed to open\n.";
getline(in, check);
{ if (check == userID)
{ errorCode = 2;
out.open(FileName, ios::app);
Encrypt(pw, EuserPW, EncryptionKey);
out << userID << " " << EuserPW << endl;
errorCode = 0;
errorCode = 1;
bool Password::VerifyPW(string adminPW, string userID, string pw, int & errorCode)
{ ifstream in;
string NameCheck;
if (pw.length() != 6)
{ errorCode = 3;
return false;
if (adminPw == Decrypt(EncryptedPass, EncryptionKey))
{ in.open(FileName, ios::app);
if (in.fail())
{ cout << "Error input file failed to open.\n";
getline(in, NameCheck, ' ');
while (!in.eof())
{ if (NameCheck == userID)
{ getline(in, NameCheck, " ");
if (NameCheck == pw)
{ errorCode = 0;
return true;
errorCode = 2;
return false;
{ errorCode = 1;
return false;
Next is the professor's driver that I'm not allowed to change
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include "Password.h"
using namespace std; //introduces namespace std
void TestNewPW(Password p);
// Tests the Password class public function NewPW
void TestVerifyPW(Password p);
// Tests the Password class public function VerifyPW
int main ( void )
cout << "This is a test of Lab 3\n";
Password thePassword ("OLab3a"); // Tests explicit value constructor.
return 0;
void TestNewPW(Password p)
cout << "\nTesting NewPW.\n";
ifstream in ("newpw.txt");
assert (in.is_open());
string ID, pw;
int code;
for (;;)
in >> ID;
if (in.fail()) break;
in >> pw;
p.NewPW ("OLab3a", ID, pw, code);
cout << "\nID: " << ID
<< " PW: " << pw;
switch (code)
case 0: cout << " successfully added.\n"; break;
case 1: cout << " error: invalid administrator password.\n"; break;
case 2: cout << " error: ID already exists.\n"; break;
case 3: cout << " error: invalid user password.\n"; break;
default: cout << " *** Programmer Error, invalid code returned.\n";
ID = "BB02";
pw = "ZZZZZZ";
p.NewPW ("OLab3p", ID, pw, code);
cout << "\nID: " << ID
<< " PW: " << pw;
switch (code)
case 0: cout << " successfully added.\n"; break;
case 1: cout << " error: invalid administrator password.\n"; break;
case 2: cout << " error: ID already exists.\n"; break;
case 3: cout << " error: invalid user password.\n"; break;
default: cout << " *** Programmer Error, invalid code returned.\n";
} // end TestNewPW
void TestVerifyPW(Password p)
cout << "\nTesting VerifyPW.\n";
ifstream in ("verifypw.txt");
assert (in.is_open());
string ID, pw;
int code;
for (;;)
in >> ID;
if (in.fail()) break;
in >> pw;
cout << "\nID: " << ID
<< " PW: " << pw;
if (p.VerifyPW ("OLab3a", ID, pw, code))
cout << " password is correct;\n";
switch (code)
case 0: cout << " successful verification.\n"; break;
case 1: cout << " error: invalid administrator password.\n"; break;
case 2: cout << " error: ID not found.\n"; break;
case 3: cout << " error: invalid user password.\n"; break;
default: cout << " *** Programmer Error, invalid code returned.\n";
ID = "BB02";
pw = "ZZZZZZ";
cout << "\nID: " << ID
<< " PW: " << pw;
if (p.VerifyPW ("OLab3a", ID, pw, code))
cout << " password is correct;\n";
switch (code)
case 0: cout << " successful verification.\n"; break;
case 1: cout << " error: invalid administrator password.\n"; break;
case 2: cout << " error: ID not found.\n"; break;
case 3: cout << " error: invalid user password.\n"; break;
default: cout << " *** Programmer Error, invalid code returned.\n";
} // end TestVerifyPW