i am using crystal report to prepare reports. my database is in oracle 9i. i am using vb.net 2003. after creating crystal report whenever i am going to view the report in button click event it is asking me to give login id and password. for each and every report and for each time i am loading the report it is asking me to do so. can any one kindly help me, so that it wont ask me again and again. is there any process to do so. Thanks in advance. its very urgent. can any one please guide me to do so.

Hi there, what version of Crystal are you using?.

it would help if you post the code that you use when you call the report.

I guess that you need to specify the user and password of the oracle database, in the conection string.

if you are using a DSN connection.

CrReport.Connect = "DSN=" & gDSN & ";UID=" & gUser & ";PWD=" & gpwd & ";DSQ=" & gDatabase

(Sorry for my english.)


thnx for the valuable suggestion. i am not using dsn and more over i am providing user id and password in connection string. after that when i m loding my report at runtime then it is asking me to provide user id and password. i am using the inbuild version of vb.net 2003 (Crystal Report). Hope you can help me. thanx once again and also in advance.
hava nice day sir.

thnx for the valuable suggestion. i am not using dsn and more over i am providing user id and password in connection string. after that when i m loding my report at runtime then it is asking me to provide user id and password. i am using the inbuild version of vb.net 2003 (Crystal Report). Hope you can help me. thanx once again and also in advance.
hava nice day sir.

That means u r using Crystal report viewer. right?
and assigning a report created to it. i hope following code will be helpful to solve ur problem.

CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report1
report1.SetDatabaseLogon("UserName", "Password")

Best Luck...

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