hello friends,
i am sending selection formula from code.
something like ...
CrystalReportViewer.selectionFormula = {MyViewForReport.Q_code}=" & cboQ.Item(i).value
my req. is i want to send multiple values with " and " , "or"
what i did is -
"{VoterRegDetail_Qry.QualificationCode} = 1 and {VoterRegDetail_Qry.CasteCode} = 19 Or {VoterRegDetail_Qry.CasteCode} = 20"
But its not wht i needed.
the req is as select the records having
QualificationCode = 1 and CasteCode = 19 or 20
some thing like need to write IN query. (which gives result)
but how to do that here....
can any one know....
plz help....