hello!! i am a new programmer!! i started with turbo c 4.5.
just installed borland Turbo c++. the used same codes as 4.5 but got problem with output screen. i cant see the programs output screen after the program ends!!
can anybody tell me how to active it?

Turbo C++ is really outdated... You could try downloading a newer (free) IDE like Visual Studio Express or Bloodshed .

For your problem:

Put a std::cin.get(); just before you return 0; .
(Or getchar() when using C)


this is a new turbo c++ compiler released in sept 2006. unfortunately your code causes an error

[C++ Error] Unit1.cpp(27): E2316 'cin' is not a member of 'std'

here's the full code:


int main()
float s=0,n=0,k=1;

printf("Enter the value of n\n");

while(n>=k)   ;

printf("The sum = %f",s);

return 0;


You have not included the library that cin comes from (iostream) and you have not told the compiler that when you use the word "cin", you are referring to the function "cin" from iostream.

Try adding these two lines at the top of your program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

edit: You already did the "std" part in the code body. Sorry. You just need the first line.

thanks. but the problem was fixed by this :

cin.ignore().ignore() ;

thanks anyway. :)

I would not hire you if I saw that code.

Listen to VernonDozier and niek_e. They know what they are talking about.

Your program is a C program (not C++), so you shouldn't be using C++ stuff in it.

I would not hire you if I saw that code.

Listen to VernonDozier and niek_e. They know what they are talking about.

Your program is a C program (not C++), so you shouldn't be using C++ stuff in it.

Hey folks,

This discussion is a huge help for me as I am a new be into programming. I just started learning C, is it OK? Or is there any better way to start?


Hey folks,

This discussion is a huge help for me as I am a new be into programming. I just started learning C, is it OK? Or is there any better way to start?


Learning C is fine if that's what you want to learn. All he is saying is don't use the C++ iostream in your C program.

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