dear brothers i have a problem in saving ma data in the i need help thanks.

what a problem? post your code friend and show the effort and you will get help from many people here :)

hera a sample code for saving

rec.Open (esql1), conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

rec!StudentNumber = txtSTUDID.Text

rec is your dim on adodb.recordset
conn if for dim on adodb.connection

rec!StudentNumber = txtSTUDID.Text

StudentNumber = the field name

txtSTUDID.text = saving the text inside the textbox

if this is not your prob then kindly post your code
or explain further whats your prob


if you want to save the data then no need to open the record set at all.

Try using this sample code

'con is the adodb connection object
con.execute "your insert or update statement here."
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