I can get the code to compile, and essentially do what I want it to. The problem I'm having is in my getData(int choice) function. I want the function to keep asking the user to enter a valid number (1-8) if they enter something else. If I put an if...else loop there, I can only prevent them from entering the wrong number once. Any help is greatly appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct menuItemType
string menuItem;
double menuPrice;
int numOrdered;
menuItemType theMenu[7];
void showMenu(); // display the menu
int getData(int choice); // get input from the user
double Round(double &totalTax); // round to the nearest cent
void printCheck(double &tax, double &totalBill); // print what the person ordered and their total check
int main()
int choice; // The number the user chooses for the item they want
int number; // Used in the getData function
int x; // used in "for" loop to initialize numOrdered to 0.
double bill; // This is the total for items purchased, without tax.
double totalBill; // This is the total for items purchased, with tax.
double tax; // Amount of one tax after it is rounded.
double taxRate; // Percentage of tax to be charged.
double totalTax; // Total amount of tax.
char shouldContinue; // Used to loop the do...while function
totalBill = 0;
taxRate = .05;
tax = 0;
totalTax = 0;
bill = 0;
number = 0;
choice = 0;
x = 0;
theMenu[0].menuItem = "#1 Plain Egg"; // This part sets the menuItem array to a numbered food list showing prices.
theMenu[1].menuItem = "#2 Bacon and Egg";
theMenu[2].menuItem = "#3 Muffin";
theMenu[3].menuItem = "#4 French Toast";
theMenu[4].menuItem = "#5 Fruit Basket";
theMenu[5].menuItem = "#6 Cereal";
theMenu[6].menuItem = "#7 Coffee";
theMenu[7].menuItem = "#8 Tea";
theMenu[0].menuPrice = 1.45; // This sets the menuPrice array to the price of the food.
theMenu[1].menuPrice = 2.45;
theMenu[2].menuPrice = 0.99;
theMenu[3].menuPrice = 1.99;
theMenu[4].menuPrice = 2.49;
theMenu[5].menuPrice = 0.69;
theMenu[6].menuPrice = 0.50;
theMenu[7].menuPrice = 0.75;
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) // Initialize theMenu[x].numOrdered to all 0's.
theMenu[x].numOrdered = 0;
showMenu(); // run the void showMenu() function
cout << "\n" << endl;
choice = getData(number); // Returns the number the person chose the the array number
bill = theMenu[choice].menuPrice + bill; // Keeps a running total of the bill
theMenu[choice].numOrdered++; //Add 1 to the amount of the item ordered.
cout << "\n" << theMenu[choice].numOrdered << setw (20) << theMenu[choice].menuItem << " \n" << endl;
cout << "Would you like to place another order? (Y/N)" << endl; // Allow to purchase more
cin >> shouldContinue;
while (shouldContinue == 'Y' || shouldContinue == 'y');
cout << endl;
totalTax = bill * taxRate;
tax = Round(totalTax);
totalBill = bill + tax;
printCheck(tax, totalBill);
return 0;
} //main ()
// showMenu()//
void showMenu()
int x;
for (x = 0; x <=7; x++)
cout << theMenu[x].menuItem << "\t" << theMenu[x].menuPrice << endl;
// getData(int number)//
int getData(int number)
int z;
z = 0;
//****** What I'd like to do here is make sure the user chooses a number 1-8. I'm not sure how to make a loop that will keep asking them to re-enter a number until they choose a valid choice.*******//
cout << "Please choose a food item by the corresponding number." << endl;
cin >> z;
z = z - 1; // Subtract 1 from the foodChoice to make it match the array.
return z;
// Round(double &totalTax)//
double Round(double &totalTax) //Round to the nearest cent.
int tax;
tax = totalTax * 100.0 + 0.5;
return tax / 100.0;
// void printCheck(double &tax, double &totalBill)//
void printCheck(double &tax, double &totalBill)
int x;
x = 0;
cout << "Welcome to Johnny's Restaurant \n" << endl;
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
if (theMenu[x].numOrdered > 0)
cout << theMenu[x].numOrdered << "\t" << theMenu[x].menuItem << "\t" << right << theMenu[x].menuPrice << right << endl;
cout << "";
cout << "Tax" << setw (27) << tax << endl;
cout << "Amount Due" << setw (20) << totalBill << endl;