eddy556 0 Light Poster


I have a JSP which searches through a database of categories and displays each one with a unique link if clicked. When the link is clicked it sends it to itself and saves it into a variable. <jsp:forward> is then called which should send the variable as a parameter to the next page.

This is working correctly and I can retreive the parameter on the net page.

The funny thing is the next page only returns to the calling page information if I have little code in it, otherwise it is completely blank! Hopefully you can see from the code that the first two lines work correctly ONLY if I ommit the rest (below the comments)

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ include file="connection.jsp" %>

<%String value = request.getParameter("category"); %>

//The code below here prevents the WHOLE page showing returning nothing to the page that called the <jsp:forward>
//whereas without the above two lines work correctly


ResultSet columns1 = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Questions");

    id = columns1.getString("ID");
    Question = columns1.getString("Question");
    Answer = columns1.getString("Answer");
	Updated = columns1.getString("Stamp");
	Author = columns1.getString("UserID");	

<a href="custarea.jsp?question=<%=Question %>"><%=Question %></a> <br />

			if (Question.equals(key))
							<table border="1">
										<%= Answer %>
										<% session.setAttribute("key", key); %>
								<td align="right">
										<form name="useful" action="addrating.jsp" method="get">
										Was this answer useful?
											<select name="useful" onChange="send()">
											<option value="Yes">Yes</option>
											<option value="No">No</option>
	} %>

This seems like such a novel problem, and I realise it probably has a simply solution.

Thanks for you help :)