I am finishing up writing an extensive C/C++ program and am in dire need of completing these 4 short JAVA programs. Any help would be appreciated GREATLY! (I missed a few days of lecture and am extremely behind in this class.. :sad:
actually just helping me with one or two of these would be GREAT.. :o
1) Write a program that displays the recommended weight, given the user's age and height. The formula for calculating the recommended weight is:
recommendedWeight = (height - 100 + age % 10) * 0.90
Define a service class named Height and include an appropriate method for getting a recommended weight of a designated height.
2) Write and application to convert centimeters(input) to feet and inches(output). Use JOptionPane for input and output. 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
3)Write an application that inputs temperature in degrees Celsius and prints out the temperature in degrees Farenheit. Use System.in for input and system.out for output. The formula to convert degrees Celsius to the equibalent degrees Fahrenheit is:
Fahrenheit = 1.8 x Celsius + 32
4) Write an application that determines the number of days in a given semester. Input to the program is the year, month, and day information of the first and last days of a semester. HINT: create GregorianCalendar objects for the start and end dates of a semester and manipulate their DAY_OF_YEAR data.