Can someone help me undestand each line of code.
I used emu8086 for this program..
Any help will be appreciated!
Title Fibonacci series
; Fibonacci series
; Write a program that generates the first 15 integers
; of the Fibonacci series {1,2,3,5,8,...}. Beginning with
; the third element, each number is the sum of the previous
; two numbers. Store the numbers in an array.
.model small
.stack 100h
fArray dw 15 dup(?)
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
; Store the first fibonacci numbers in the array...
mov bx, offset fArray
mov dx, 0001
mov [bx], dx
; Store the first fibonacci numbers in the array...
add bx, 2
mov dx, 0002
mov [bx], dx
; Store the remaining fibonacci numbers in the array...
mov cx, 13
; Add the last two fibonacci numbers
mov dx, [bx-2]
add dx, [bx] ; The sum of the numbers is on dx
add bx, 2 ; increment the array index
mov [bx], dx ; Append the new fibonacci number on the array
loop Fibonacci
;return control to DOS...
mov ah,4Ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
I just don't get these codes.. I tried my very best to understand these codes but I think I just lack experience on this language..
Can someone please explain these codes to me?
Thanks in advance!
mov dx, [bx-2]
add dx, [bx]
add bx, 2
mov [bx], dx
loop Fibonacci