sir help me how to disabled a checkbox. for example once i check the checkbox it should appear in my list? when im uncheck it... it should not appear in my list? tnx..

try using this sample code.

Private Sub CHKCOLOR_Click(Index As Integer)
If CHKCOLOR(Index) Then
List1.AddItem CHKCOLOR(Index).Caption
For L = 0 To (List1.ListCount - 1)
If List1.List(L) = CHKCOLOR(Index).Caption Then
List1.RemoveItem L
End If
End If
End Sub

The code uses control array for the check boxes.

what was appear and not appear in your list?
if u want to disable check box :

Check2.Enabled = False

My previous code adds the items to listbox on check of check boxes and removes them from the list on uncheck.

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